
no I stopped watching season 1 since I hated it but I love this season and feel no need to go back.

I was thinking of The Master during the final scene as well. And much like that scene its filmed in the same way as well. Very powerful.

Eva in Ex Machina doesn't want to be human and really if it had a feeling towards humans it would be hate. She/it understandable just wants to escape and goes about doing that.

Its interesting how despite the show being about Hamilton most of the show is filtered through Aaron Burr's POV. Its a great choice.

They have yet to pick a good script why would they start now.

Does anybody know if there will be another season? I can't wait.

To be fair Stolen Summer was awful so I doubt he would have made a difference.

I actually feel bad for Effie and Jason mainly because the comments are the internet are so vindictive.

It definitely has personality but i wish the script wasn't so mediocre. The Devils backbone and Pans Labyrinth are still better films because they have great script.

The problem with Crimson Peak is with the script like every Del Toro English language film. Its beautiful a=with a great Chastain performance but its entirely predictable. The script is linear and if you have any knowledge of Gothic romance or horror there is not one surprise in the film. Was anybody surprised by he

Love that Karen lyric. There's something so sexy, blunt, and true about it and I have no idea why.

I've always been fascinated by this. I didn't know the behind the scenes story and it didn't stick out to me.

Too bad. Locke is awesome though.

Marvel villains are pretty boring. I love Guardians of the Galaxy but villain might as well have been the villain in Thor Dark World. They're evil and vaguely angry about something and boring.

I've always been curious what his career would have been like had he not been raked over the coals when The Thing came out. He was understandably bitter for a long time.

right so who cares if King doesn't like the movie. It has very little to do with his great book. Discussions about this always devolve into your on this team or that team. And I'm pretty sure many writers are annoyed how their works is adapted popular or not. The only difference people won't stop asking King about it.

Still can't stand the ending to the film the Mist. It comes off as so silly and cheesy. I far prefer the novellas original ambiguous ending.

I'm sure its been mentioned in the comments but the only other found footage film I would call brilliant aside from Blair Witch is Lake Mungo

I've never understood Mudholland Drive as being difficult or esoteric. Its one of his more easier films to figure out.

I really don't get why people are so hung up on King hating the movie. Who cares their both great.