
Night Shift is brilliant so that's probably why.

Are sure this isn't burning love? It would make so much more sense

Michael Sheen is fantastic in Madding Crowd. Its a beautiful subtle performance with a difficult character. It deserves a Oscar nominations. very good film.

Love this series. I was very sad to read the last one simply because I was coming to the end of the trilogy.

Mumford and Sons in interviews always came across as pretty genuine to me. In fact nobody has had anything but nice things to say about them. I'm not sure why you have to work on the railroad to write railroad songs. Arguments about being authenticity can be such bullshit.

For some reason the end reminded me of the end of Punch Drunk Love where Lena leans over Barry and says "Here we go." Something about the idea of two outsiders making a world for themselves.

never heard of that. that's crazy/shocking.

I don't think Graham Greene is capable of embarrassing prose. Hes that great and that's some great writing up there.

the first season is pretty great hopefully this can live up to it

Cant wait to see the comments on Expose. I love that episode. Its so cruel yet really funny. The whole idea that these no characters had been seeing parts of the mythology that wouldn't appear for seasons early and they couldn't care less just made me laugh.

Love the wolfs hour by Robert McCammon

Too bad the book was very good.

The book Gorky Park is great and the book Child 44 is very good.

The problem with Godzilla is the lead actor is a total bore and has no charisma. Why would people be excited when the better actor died.

if you thought the beach was pro backpacker than that person didn't read the 2nd half of the book.

its very good and its gotten a lot of good reviews and a few great reviews.

Really good movie.

really enjoy this film. Whenever I see it on a cable I end up watching it again.

I actually thought this was an example where Alex Garland (film wise)nailed the ending. It is deeply creepy and really leaves a lot to chew on and when you think about it it all makes sense as far as character motivations. Its a great film.

The National are a great band live. Same them twice and had a wonderful time. The first time I got to support Matt's legs as he climbed a railing.