Pretty sure the article went right over your head...
Pretty sure the article went right over your head...
LOL. I have a similar issue on my Golf. The nozzle which directs wash fluid to the rear window has gone missing, leaving a nice 5mm or so jet of wash fluid spraying directly onto the car behind.
just burst out laughing in the middle of work reading this.
Volkswagen vanagon
best comment I've read all day
This should be higher on the list. I came here to post this
I've done this actually. 91 Vanagon Westfalia owner here. Luckily I was with a group of fellow Westfalia owners, and they didn't let me get far from the campsite like that.
Exactly this. Couldn't have said it better myself. If the paint is really being difficult, some light polish will remove it, then clay and re-polish to get rid of any scratches or marring you may have made.
Dude, didn't that thing have a primitive safety cage and some step-over frame that was supposed to help safety? I thought they were at least pretending to make an effort. I got a ride in a hornet once, it was very interesting. Also had a chat with a very old man who used to work for Hudson, and now runs a specialty…
Those 1.8Ts were known to be sludge monsters. Once they got the oil specification right (and specified a huge oil filter for additional oil capacity and cooling) the 1.8T wasn't too bad reliability wise. They figured this out some time in 02 or 03 I believe.
Wow you won big time with the BCM. I love that. What the hell happened to your Jetta?
I don't care what anyone says. I love these things. I'll take a pre-facelift with a VR6 and an exhaust please.
Mine has been pretty good. Apart from the water pump that failed at 50k, every bushing on the car wearing out in 100k, and the valve guide seals failing at 80k, and the sunroof drains.
I still love the car though.
I guessed right!
I propose the thing on the front is the air intake, and the thing on the back is an exhaust. Combined with the weird fairing over the powertrain it seems as though they might be listening for noises like the tank or the frame— or something along those lines. It looks to me like they're trying to keep powertrain…
I'm an EE. This is fucking awesome and I haven't even watched the video yet
Was going to post this, lol.