
Despite using my walker to get to the Charger and drive it, I still hit my Bowflex. I will definitely give creatine a try—thanks for the head’s up.

I never had the patience to learn and memorize the routines required to pull off magic. A card magician may have hundreds of different card tricks, each of which require different decks, different setups, or different methods which have to be followed precisely as instructed, not to mention the ability to improvise if

I give it 5 years before Tom Hanks plays an airline captain who is forced to ditch, then is taken hostage by local pirates only to escape and live on his own for years while awaiting rescue.

Please enlighten me how we are going to replace the energy giants with something else in the next 10 years? Without them Calgary will turn into Detroit as Suncor, Syncrude, CNRL and Husky all vacate along with all the engineering companies. Edmonton will suffer a major recession as all the construction and engineering

There is nothing to think about, that is reality. 

An Albertan with a brain in his head that understands that this province is only sustainable with the oil industry thriving. We loose $100M a day by selling our product to the USA at a discount. That money would have gone to schools, hospitals and our crumbling infrastructure. Provinces are run with money not the

Can't wait until they are arrested.