
barely related, but my phone auto-corrects “cute” to “CUTESSSS” everytime.

I went to UCSD and majored in Art History so took some art making courses as well... I had Ricardo for some other lower division art course, and he was AMAZING. Passionate, smart, and able to transmit that to his students. You are taking a class called Performing the Self, if there wasn’t nudity involved I would be

Rihanna is one of the only high profile black people who actually has had something to say on Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. Sure, maybe it was just Instagram posts but as least she was using her platform somewhat to say SOMETHING. I expected more from Kanye on those issues. Jay and Bey, not so much.

Um no. It’s a heartfelt story about being able to give back to the woman who struggled to keep him happy and healthy as a kid.

That IS true, but if your doctor recommends to them that a different version is the right one for you, they have to listen. That’s what this clarification makes clear for them :) assholes.

Dont just accept the first income driven repayment plan they offer you, do your own research and figure out which one will give you the lowest payments. My lender tried to offer me an income based plan that had me paying more than the one I wanted to use would have.

OMG THAT OWL PIC. It just killed me. I am dead.

As always, amazing illustration.

Help need advice! I figure this is a good a place as any to ask... I’m going to Colombia for about 12 days in August and I’m super excited! I’m wondering how much to budget for food/drinks/daily expenses. Not including lodging, we booked the airbnb already so I know how much that costs. Basically I’m wondering how

ETA: delete

Plus, he makes for some great TV

A Love Magazine spread from a few months ago I believe

Aka the “ethnically ambiguous” look

THANK YOU. I was thinking the same thing. Getting super tan =/= blackface. Jesus

Same boat. Thankfully, it made my relationship with my 2 sisters that much stronger. Good luck on that vacay.

Ha! My stepmom also told me never to do acid, because she did it one time and went hiking and woke up with mysterious bruises EVERYWHERE. I did not listen to her advice, but I’m glad I didnt cuz acid is THE BEST


In addition to who OtherHand named, try Frontline, the Federation, Keak Da Sneak, my personal favorite J-Diggs (California Livin Part 2 is his best album), Too $hort, The Pack, Mistah FAB...

And now RIP Trouble and Bass, who threw their last party recently :(

Thank you for posting this! A lot of that is my mother to a tee. I’ve told her til I’m blue in the face, multiple times in the last 6 years, including with her therapist present, WHY I currently have no desire for a relationship with her, but she still keeps forgetting somehow.