
You know what bugged me? It was because of the uncultured swine running around screaming about how she should be raped, that made it impossible for the rest of us to legitimately critique her. We got lumped in with the rest of them. Yay for uninformed generalizations!

You act like Socialist revolutionaries haven’t turned into bloody murderers in the past. Read about what happened in Cuba when Catsro came to power, how many Che heped kill, the evils of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, the inhumanities of Mao in China, Stalin in Russia, and Kim Il-sung in North KKorea. The Vox Populi

Anita is completely tone deaf in her criticisms. Yeah, there’s an issue with representation of women in video games, I’m not going to pretend there’s not, but she often points to examples that make no sense if you actually know the source material. Here she points at Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite as an “encouraging

I’m sorry but this newest video is so stupid. Elizabeth in Bioshock infinite? Really?

The thing that always bothered me about these videos is how they latch onto a really good subject that could be discussed with great detail and intelligence, and then starts grasping at straws because it was not researched enough. The best example I know of is one of her old videos (I cant remember which and cant be

Are they still making these? Honestly?

There is a difference between inequality of situation, and inequality from oppression. Hate to break it to you, but the US isn’t an apartheid state. The US is less than 50% white, and not as homogeneous as you would like to think.

He showed how stupid a website was and other people took it out of context.

How the media, like the WSJ and other writing shitpost articles as actual facts, without actual investigation or putting into context the situations in which they are writing about. pewdiepie talks about it some in the video in the original article about newspapers and large media sites are writing straight up lies

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This came out a few days ago, but it is worth the watch. The way people are head-hunting anyone who isnt lockstep with social justice is getting out of hand. Take a look at what happened to jontron. Just because he didnt agree with everything thats going on on the more left side of the political spectrum, they string