
Those of us who mourned Saab have moved firmly into the “acceptance” phase.

The funny thing is, the existence of this as a news article is actually a roundabout confirmation of Tesla reliability.

And if Trump did not accept the call from President Tsai Ing-wen, the press would be calling him a puppet for China.

Cars I can’t ever afford, sprinkled with ones that I actually could.

Proper convertible Maybach.

I seriously needed this rant over a stupid commercial. Thanks. Not kidding.

This is Jalopnik. In the last few years they’ve decided what this place sorely needed was politics! And we’ve seen their best writers all run for the hills. I still read and comment from time to time, but there are far better sites out there. It’s a shame, really. It used to be my single favorite place on the

Uber drivers have absolutely no obligation to the company that “employs” them either. I’m amazed at how up in arms people are about Uber. Their workers are absolutely the definition of independent contractors.

In Mexican Tsuru, crumple zones YOU!

As my grandfather would say “they don’t build ‘em like they used to” to which I’d reply “Thank God.”

For some reason, those laws don’t seem to apply to criminals.

Please leave asshole.

Trump once owned an NSX and it was manual.

Agreed. It was cool right up to that point.

This is the country that just opened its borders to any and all Syrian refugees, I think we can let the Nazi shit drop.

Really Jalopnik...

If you look at that bus as long as anyone is likely to glance at it, it looks very pro Trump.

Anytime you’re copying Subaru’s styling, it’s going to be ugly. This looks like some designer traced all of the WRX’s styling elements to the new Civic, then spent the rest of the day watching porn on his phone in the bathroom.

I look at it and I’m reminded that right this second there’s Millions of people the world over who’d give their left arm to have had your ticket in the genetic lottery that allowed you to be here instead of Bumfuckistan.

If you only read sites/newspapers that come up with this kind of fear mongering bullshit, you’d fear and hate Trump. I did not like him at first because of the bad stuff people make up about him, but then I started to read more about him and Hillary, exactly because one of them might control the deadliest arsenal ever