
Despite its anti-gun reputation, California is second only to Texas in the number of gun owners, with more than a fifth the population owning guns. They’re not all Trump-supporters either - though the inhabitants of rural areas where Trump got most of his support are highly likely to be gun owners, they’re


You mean aside from military bases? And aside from urban crime? California is big enough it doesn’t really have a homogeneous nature to it. There’s more people in the South of CA and the West. There’s a lot the more Republican people up North and East in CA.

It’s like so easy to get a firearm. I’m surprised there’s no vending machine for it

“Alt-Left” isn’t a thing.

Californian here, loving this book. It’s one of the more thoughtful visions of how a calexit would really pan out. People think of California as a liberal bastion, but it’s very similar to the rest of the US. Make the California counties States and you have a mini version of the US, which some very clear divisions.

“I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all the citizens and this is important to me.” Trump on winning the election.

The end of the America would be the most hilarious and awesome thing to ever happen. And I’m an American. Good riddance, the world doesnt need or want us.

California’s reputation for progressivism and tolerance is not deserved. Our state is run by oligarchs, and Silicon Valley is no better than Wall Street. We have an affordable housing crisis, and despite decades of Democratic control, some of the deepest divisions between rich and poor that exist anywhere.