How fucked up is it that the best case scenarios here are that young women, who likely should not have been detained, died alone in cold cells?
I wish that TB got the kind of press/attention that STDs get. So few people understand the risks associated, and not because they are inattentive but because public health groups, CDC and otherwise, just don’t shine a light on it.
Since I moved to another metropolis from New York, I feel like I have encountered manspreading - the phenomenon or the activism against it. Folks from other cities wanna weigh in? I feel like the manspread is no different from the look-away-from-the-elderly/disabled/pregnant/ill person-who-clearly-needs-your-seat…
Especially because a lot of adults who feel very sex positive don’t necessarily ever in their lives go to sex shops (hi!). I actually almost feel like that’s pigeon-holing sex, like, I would have regressed sexually if I thought that being a sexually active and in charge human being meant having to enjoy the process of…
Yeah, after a few brushes with minor eating disorders and a go at every diet in the book, I’m finally healthy and happy and a big believer that if you have to talk about your diet, then you probably shouldn’t be on it.
You are very resilient :) I feel you a bit, in that my dad skipped town and my mom was diagnosed with a terminal illness in the same week when I was in elementary school. So grateful that I had a rich (in love) community around me to balance out the negatives.
I’m so with you on this, but it is worth noting that psychologists now consider the early 20s to be a period of “emerging adulthood” rather than full-fledged adulthood. Not sure what to make of it, except that my anecdotal experience really supports the idea that the neurological recircuiting of my adolescance…