
I understand the joke. Thank you. It is just a bad joke. And I never said it made light of Selena.

The more I hear about this “joke” the more confused I get. It doesn’t even make sense. Most people not up to date on celebrities probably don’t even know Selena Gomez had a kidney transplant. And if you do know that, then you also probably know who gave it to her. Obviously not Demi Lovato or Justin Bieber’s mom. And

Stop obsessing over Rebel Wilson’s weight loss, okay? [Hollywood Life]

From what I’ve seen of socialite-y-WASP weddings so far around here, including a couple of brides I’m no longer hanging out with, their “coronavirus precautions” literally amount to, “we put a sentence up about it on our website that if you didn’t want to come you didn’t have to,” and “we put a mask on Nana, maybe.” 

Ms. Escárcega’s compensation is well above the scale for her job classification and experience.

I’ll never forget an argument I got into with a former colleague back in 2008, who INSISTED that I (and all liberals) were hypocrites unless we voted for McCain, because he had chosen Sarah Palin as his running mate. When I told him that it didn’t work that way and that Palin was awful, he really thought he caught me

That quote is also condescending as fuck, and I don’t think it’s even superficially nice (I copied the same bit to respond to, but you beat me to it). She’s empathetic insofar as she frames her opinions like she’s *speaking to children*.

I am not a fucking child, and I don’t want or need someone on the fucking Supreme

Oh her daughter could get one.  She just doesn’t want any other woman to be able to get one.

So, how would she feel if one of her daughters wanted an abortion?

I’m no fan of Gal Gadot but I don’t mind the choice. The ruling family of Egypt (alas!) were not Egyptians but Macedonian Greeks. In the same way that the Israelis have colonised Palestine, the Macedonian Greeks ruled Egypt: there are parallels.

I saw the bit, and my main takeaway is that Burr is a dinosaur of comedy, the kind of guy who confuses shocking content with, you know, good writing. Michelle Wolfe is a shining example of the latter: she works in all kinds of wtf material, and does it in a smart, genuinely funny way.

Enslaved? No. Lynched? In several countries to this very day.

I didn’t know anything about his comedy when I watched last night.  I just didn’t think he was funny.  I wasn’t offended by anything, it was just not humorous.  

Things I’m fine with/agree with: Criticising white feminists for making racism about them, instead of standing to the side as supportive allies, and/or choosing to fight against hardship aimed at women as a whole.

Things I’m not:
- Doing so by calling women ‘bitches’.
- Saying the LGBTQIA+ community hasn’t experienced

“Sit down next to me and take your talking to”?

they want to remove his name and statue from the airport.

The “cancel” bit was the dumb part to me. Who the hell is trying to cancel John Wayne today? He always sucked.

I can’t fucking stand Bill Burr and his ilk ie comedians whose whole schtick is railing against political correctness. I mean he’s not wrong about white women but comedy should be about punching up, not down. I wouldn’t say telling LGBTQ+ people that they aren’t sufficiently oppressed and calling Black people “equator

I think some of the backlash may be due to the fact that Bill Burr has a long history of maligning feminism in general. In an old bit he suggested that Michelle Obama isn’t qualified to give speeches and stated that the only reason she is liked is because she is a woman. He does with feminism what Chappelle does with

Imagine what this country could be with them and AOC, Presley, Omar, Tlalib, Haaland, et al in charge. I want to go to then.