I know! I really hope they were able to hire some employees, especially by the time the episode aired.
I know! I really hope they were able to hire some employees, especially by the time the episode aired.
Jeff Lewis is a horrible person, not that we didn’t already know that. Some choice quotes from that People story, where he is talking about the man he’s dating on his radio show, after he specifically asked him not to:
I hate birthdays. I’m totally down for celebrating an actual accomplishment (new job, marriage, etc.) but I think simply turning a year older is just...boring. I’m gonna be 30 in October and while I’m happy to say goodbye to my 20s, I’m already dreading having to do something big.
I agree. I love Alfre Woodard, but the movie was dumb. I knew it was going to bad as soon as she started talking directly to the camera (a la Sex and the City season 1).
I know the Kim K angle gets more clicks, but this part of the interview really got me:
It doesn’t have a clock, nor does [it] have an audible alarm, so you’ll need to use it in conjunction with another alarm clock, or more likely, your phone alarm.
It doesn’t have a clock, nor does [it] have an audible alarm, so you’ll need to use it in conjunction with another…
I got so frustrated when Lifehacker was encouraging people to throw Amazon shipping bags into the trash, when in actuality they can be recycled, you just have to drop them off at the grocery store.
My living room beats the cinema.
The Notebook, which from what I recall from my ten-millionth viewing roughly a week ago, is actually a great film.
And just the other week they did the same thing with Malia Obama.
It’s one thing to hear the same pop song on the radio and slowly grow to like it. It’s totally different when you are being forced to listen to the exact same set of songs for months or years on end. When I worked retail I had to listen to the same exact 80s playlist every day for over a year. And yes, it did slowly…
So if a judge believes things happened the way SHE says they did, he’ll be broke but still on the hook to pay her no-doubt very costly lawyer’s fees.
The tattoo is fake. Check out Camila Mendes’ most recent instagram story.
The people who don’t want to waste ten minutes of their 30-min lunch spent driving to and back from Jimmy John’s.
It’s obvious from what happened this week that
weI still have a lot of work to do.
He was driving me crazy this morning with all his non-answers and unrelated stories, especially after Meghan called him out for being inauthentic. Joy asked him at least three times what the Democratic party was going to do about families separated at the border and he couldn’t think of one thing to say.
I dunno, Pink still loves to slut shame women to this day.
I’m the same. I try to stay informed, but in order to stay sane I don’t read his tweets, look at pictures of him, or speak of his name. I copied Whoopi, who calls him “the guy in the white house.”
“A casual flex to say that she’s on a texting basis with Lorde and Grande, but that’s neither here nor there. Halsey makes a good point here...”
Have you gotten a short cappuccino before? They don’t advertise that size option, but it’s available.