
“...Swift, whose primary audience consists of teens and tweens...”

No, it wouldn’t. Beyonce isn’t on Snapchat and teens don’t care about Oprah.

Granted, it’s been years since I read the book, but it was one of my favorites as a child and the movie felt very faithful to me. There were so many scenes from the film that brought me right back to the memories I had of reading the book. And sometimes when a character was about to say something, I’d remember what

Grey’s did that too in the first or second season. Cristina was going to get an abortion, but ended up having an ectopic pregnancy. Shonda Rhimes said the network wouldn’t let her do the abortion storyline. But years later, after Rhimes became the most powerful person in television, Cristina got pregnant again and had

Is that really how you’re supposed to pronounce it? I’ve always kind of said ree-uhl-tor.

Jezebel is famously NOT a feminist website. They love to call out celebrities who claim not to be feminists, but they will never refer to their website as feminist. That way they can continue to write all the snarky articles they want.

E! is going to air their red carpet coverage with a 30-SECOND DELAY to protect Ryan Seacrest from uncomfortable questions. This is bullshit.

It’s definitely not a horror film. If you don’t already know much about it, it’s best to go into the movie blind. But I’d only recommend it if you like artsy movies. It’s like Black Swan but much weirder.

So agreed about Michelle Pfeiffer!! And yeah, the marketing sure was deceptive, but I’m not sure I have a better idea for what they could have done. It’s the kind of movie that was never going to be a big hit. It probably shouldn’t have even gotten a wide release opening weekend.

I mean, there’s so many metaphors you can draw from that movie, and I haven’t even mentioned anything from the Bible yet. I just think it was a brilliant piece of art.

Ridiculous punctuation aside, mother! is one of the most heartbreakingly honest movies about the planet/human race that I’ve ever seen. It tackles war, climate change, poverty, women’s rights, and so much more in a wholly unique way, with a strong performance by Jennifer Lawrence at the center. I really don’t get the

I don’t know how you guys felt about the movie, but I never *once* actually felt the love between Sally Hawkins’ character and the fish dude. It was the worst kind of insta-love that’s usually relegated to bad YA fiction. And it never made sense to me he was able to understand her sign language. The movie was

Out of all the arguments you could’ve made, that last one just doesn’t check out. I buy a lot on Amazon and the amount of money I save on two-day, one-day and same-day shipping is well over a hundred dollars. And that doesn’t even count the amount of “free” movies, TV shows, and ebooks that come along with Prime.

I don’t get this show. The first season was entertaining enough, but the writers/producers act like it’s a serious drama and a revealing expose on reality TV. But A) it’s just another trashy Lifetime soap and B) any sane, rational personal already knows reality TV is fake.

The book 100% tackles this issue. The “spirit” always tries to make as little changes to the body/life they inhabit every day. And they make it a point NOT to have sex in said body. But, if I’m remembering correctly, (SPOILERS) they do end up having sex once near the end of the book, but they at least feel

All I’m saying is that often people develop reputations for good reason.

I’ve noticed that too. I’m a Millennial (on the “older” end), but I’m also aware that people from other generations grew up in vastly different environments.

Thank you. I needed to hear that today.

Not that we have to hold hands and sing kumbaya all the time, but honestly, what is the point of articles like this? What inspired you? I hate Chelsea Handler, so why don’t I write an article about how much her new business venture is gonna suck.

Daniel Palladino clearly does not know who these characters are a lot of the time.