“...my cousin converted a couple years ago and Islam has done nothing but improve his life.”
“...my cousin converted a couple years ago and Islam has done nothing but improve his life.”
And Kate Winslet... and Cate Blanchett :(
I hate how his lawyers always use the same “investigator” defense every single time they release a statement. That doesn’t mean anything. It’s like saying OJ couldn’t possibly have killed anyone just because they found him not guilty.
At least they’re trying to do something about the problem, by putting their money where their mouth is and continuing to make sure this is a national conversation.
I feel like the lack of subtlety also extends to June’s narration. Elisabeth Moss is a good enough actor where her character shouldn’t have to explain everything we are already seeing with our own eyes.
I first learned about Prince Gohil from the Kardashians. They had him on their show and gave him a platform to share his story, which I thought was really cool.
But that’s literally what the #MeToo movement is about: being open. And the more prolific actors that publicly speak out against Woody Allen, the better.
If Abrams wants to tell love stories so bad he should stop trying to dress them up in inchoate sci-fi trappings and masculine veneer and just write some damn love stories.
Yes, I have. Barnes & Noble won’t match their online prices in-store.
I do this at book stores (sorry, I know it’s bad, but I buy so many books that I can’t afford them at full price). Barnes & Noble is the worst. Their online prices are always way cheaper than in-store prices. I don’t know why they don’t let you buy books in the store at the online price.
ETA: That was me trying to embed a tweet for the first time.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The focus on white voters in media is a reflection of who we value in society. Its why white Trump voters always get favorable coverage and the benefit of the doubt when Black people do not. This bias is a cultural problem in our society in…
because I am a Jedi at making customer service folks give me what I want. And sadly, you will not get anywhere if you try to be “nice” in this sort of situation.
Ummm... it’s tea that has been consumed in Japan for thousands of years.
Katie sent that text to Scheana. So, yeah, they both suck.
but they come with other gross stuff. I like plain cheeseburgers. I’m boring.
Also: Ravenswood. I think the big downfall of PLL was trying to make that spinoff happen.
That’s because the writers didn’t even understand what they were doing. After season three, they were basically winging it. I appreciated that they deviated from the source material to keep things interesting, but I do wish they had at least kept the book’s original reveal.
I just saw her in Vegas and her body was siiiick. And she’s basically dancing nonstop the entire show.
Your wife is smart.