
How is spending all your time as senator, which you were given in a safe election, running for higher office and not even finishing your first term experience? Lol would you pay that sort of employee? Face it Obama and Hillary had no more experience than Trump prior to entering the Oval Office. Also Trump did a lot of

Well Obama had no experience and Hillary had no experience, unless you count a bunch of sinecures handed to them on a silver platter with the express purpose of stepping up to higher office. So its not the first time.

Like you guys cried over facebook posts of Obama's graying hair and thunderously derided any attempt to not let Obama do whatever he wanted as unAmerican and 'obstructionism'. Trump has no monopoly on cult, get over yourself.

Wahwah. Trump likes to eat his steak well done. Cripes, man, I'm not the biggest fan of trump but the way half the nation and media has acted these past couple months are just more proof that his opponents are as bad or worse than he is. If he's brought out the worst in anybody, its his enemies. I've never seen a

Aside from the cliched preachiness…Is there any gay character in fiction that doesn't have their life ruined by evil religious parents? And the absurdity of the concept of being immortal by copying a file on to a hardrive…the ending is a total copout. The final rant raises very intriguing points, is it a secular