
I’ve noticed (on this very site!) that people are also aghast at support for someone you don’t agree with 100%. Someone on here accused me of lying about voting for Hillary because I don’t agree with some of her positions, as if that precluded me from enthusiastically preferring her over Trump.

Heineken is bottled in Holland.

“It seems like people on the left internalize the negative propaganda and start couching anything positive they have to say...”

Sorry but while I’m not a fan of militant atheists, I’ll take Dawkins over religious zealots and militant theocrats any day. Organised religion has done more harm than good, just look at its treatment of women throughout the centuries.

It’s not respectful dialogue if one side is not allowed to speak. And I guarantee you that those people around you who only know the big names, don’t know their words.

that’s just a fact: socialists, communists, anarchists are not going after her, as they are almost wholly anti-israel movements. centrist dems are, and are almost wholly supportive of israel or two-state solution.

You mean fascists hate socialists more than liberals? yes, that’s true.

So because people are prejudiced against us we need to bend over backwards to make ourselves acceptable?

53% of white women voted for Trump and they will be devastated if affirmative action is dismantled. I don’t mean emotionally, I mean that they disproportionately benefit from AA.

I doubt very much Bangladesh is murdering atheists because Dawkins hurt their feelings.

The rise of the atheist visibility movement is precisely because if we don’t speak up we get slandered merely for existing, and then said slander used as justification for more slander.

‘Well from trial lawyers, from toys, from generic drugs, from Hollywood. From Jews.’ Those are all essentially Jewish industries

This. They went after Majiid Nawaz as well. hey literally called him an anti muslim bigot, despite the fact that he is still a practicing muslim and just want to reform it to a more liberal form. There’s a wonderful bit from his radio show on youtube where he takes a call from a muslim who is mad at him for saying

The Left has remained solidly in Sarsour’s corner. It’s the Clintonite Dems who have demonized her.

No. Nope nope nope. Never once was her mutilation called into question. Her immigration forms were based on her lie about coming directly from Somalia, which she freely admits she was low-key advised to do as her *real* reason to flee is not politically recognized. She *was* fleeing her marriage and talking the word

Slightly OT, but Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s labelling by the SPLC was heartbreaking for me. Anyone familiar with her story would see that her stances on Islam are informed primarily by her incredibly traumatic childhood and young adulthood. The Netherlands and US have failed her badly as refuges, and now she is being used like

Yep. Sarsour has serious issues in that area and glossing over them does not do anyone any favors. Giving her a pass means she’ll never improve while it also hurts Jewish liberals who already have to deal with antisemitism from the left and the right as is.

Precisely. Glossing over her faults is dishonest journalism, and is what Jez is accusing the right of doing. We are better than this. Be clear and accurate, weigh the good and the bad. Overall, all things considered I think Linda Sarsour is a force for good, she certainly has a good heart and is supremely brave. But

Linda Sarsour quote:

Uh, Linda Sarsour is most certainly not getting attacked by the Left — she seems to be one of the many pet hate targets common to both the Right and centrists/liberals, which is literally the point of this piece.

there are a lot of very legitimate reasons not to like her, you mention them, but then gloss over them. She can be kind of awful but is also a victim of a right wing smear campaign at the same time, they aren’t always mutually exclusive. But saying mainstream news pointing out her occasional awfulness means it’s being