
You’d think liberals would be a little less kneejerk when it comes to unthinking “patriotism” and uncritical fellation of military narratives, wouldn’t you? Oh wait, no, you wouldn’t, because they aren’t, and any elements within the Democratic party that are get systematically minimized, mocked, and then browbeaten

They’ll brandish the typical agitprop about ⚠ENDANGERING AMERICAN LIVES⚠ as a way to distract from the fact that our incompetent dipshit president actually endangered an Israeli spy and gave our allies reasons to withhold intel that might have otherwise saved American lives in the future.

For Christ’s sake, it’s been long enough to be done with this bullshit. She did NOT “willfully endanger lives.” She revealed crimes. Any retaliation for those crimes is on the people who committed them and those who covered them up. She’s a whistleblower. Not a traitor. We should be pinning medals on her.

To all the troll comments I don’t want to ungrey, yeah the problem isn’t the messed up shit our government does, it’s just that you know about it. Never has the term “ignorance is bliss” been more apt. If you want the government to deceive you so badly, just go pretend none of this happened, just like the government

It’s really, really not, and especially written the way it was. Who the fuck does he think he is, the goddamn Queen of England? Puh-Leeze.

All he had to say was “hey everyone, I’m trying to clear up my schedule so if you could make an appointment to see me in the future, that would be great! Stop and chats aren’t super working into my schedule. Appreciate it! Let me know if you have any questions.” And done. Not so douchey. Although this might be a

His email reeks of turd-ness but I agree the request itself is pretty reasonable.

I’m familiar with the Biblical practice of fasting and prayer to entreat God to intercede on a specific petition, which it sounds like this is. A hunger strike, to me, is when a person stops eating with the intention of dying unless their condition it met.

Does she mean fasting? Because as I understand it on a hunger strike you are prepared to die for your cause, not quit eating for a few days.

The problem is, those white women who voted for Trump will be more than happy to take our place.

I don’t know. What does it prove? What would it change in the long run?

You know, this is standard practice and that if the man didn’t want to be beaten and forcibly removed from the plane, he shouldn’t have boarded it.

I understand, but I just don’t care.

This is absolutely no comment on how I feel about how United handled that girl but Holy False Equivalency, Batman.

So if I’m to understand this, this guy already paid for a ticket and was seated, but the airline wanted to give his seat to an employee??? How is this possibly the procedure???

We found the end of the line at Rockefeller Plaza and then eavesdropped on the couple in front of us to kill time. The woman was a brunette from Switzerland, visiting New York City on a music residency. She wore a red windbreaker, gold American Apparel leggings, and black oxfords. An upside-down triangle had been

Hold up... I know PLENTY of Americans who do manual labor and are glad to do it (just ask the construction crew who reno’ed my bathroom last year).

It’s highly skilled, poorly paid labor, I’m guessing. But also grueling and often dangerous work. Same with meat processing and other basic jobs. Now I wonder if anybody has done any research on the development of factory farming and factory meat processing, the decline in pay, the rise in cost of living, and the rise

Oh fuck off. You know exactly why the fuck you added that ‘(seriously).’ to the end of your tweet: because under normal circumstances our first instinct would be to think that it was exactly what it was: a couple of pages that didn’t reveal anything damning. You can pass the buck to the network for that ridiculous