
Irresponsible journalism. Maddow dithered for 20 minutes about nothing, and then the big reveal was 2 pages with no sources of income. Trump should absolutely release his full returns, but don’t pretend like what she had was anything worthwhile.

Okay, so, since apparently it’s hard for folks to understand.

I don’t think the percentage is as high to be equal, but women commit domestic violence at a much higher rate than most believe. I think the numbers bear out it’s more emotional than physical abuse, and that physical abuse tends to be more thing like throwing dangerous things at the other person that assaulting the

Fighting domestic violence and sexism isn’t a zero sum game - “MRA” aren’t the only group of SJW where a sizable number of members don’t grasp that simple truth.

A lot of people here are making the same mistake you are, so I guess it’s a bit confusing. The article states that he used his wife’s phone exactly one time. That one time was used in her presence to get a ride for the both of them. After the ride, the husband logged off of his Uber account from the wife’s phone.


exactly. And I hate this “byeeee” shit. its most annoying and used mostly by people who are in the wrong and when they have nothing to say.

For as many people consider themselves legal experts on any and all news items that are published here it’s ironic many seem to forget the precedent it would set if companies charged with violating privacy are unable to be held liable.

I’m not talking about the guy in the article! I have no other interaction with “christ” poster aside from this one word comment. But if you try and call someone out for being stupid you better know what you are talking about. If it were a friend of mine I’d probably giggle and tell them to get their facts straight.

So not comprehending an article, then making a comment about how stupid the person the *article* is about for not understanding something and being called out on it and responding with attitude is all totally ok and cool and good?

So basically you have two accounts to attack the people that call you out on your douche attitude by calling them a douche? That is the only way this makes sense.

That is true. Doesn’t apply to this story, but that is a true statement. Another true statement: people that comment without carefully reading the article look like idiots.

If I use a banking app, log out completely and then someone comes along and is able to transfer all of my money out and steal from me not one person would be talking this way.

The original responder said “christ” and then quoted the article. Then OP told him/her to take the attitude and byeeeeeeee. I don’t see how one is worse than the other?

Remember when you used to be amusing? Pepperidge Farm does.

That’s not what happened, go read it again.

Stop. You don’t call someone an idiot because you failed to read properly then complain about tone just because you get called out on it.

“Though he logged off, the app continued to send her notifications.”

If you read closely, he didn’t. He used her phone for a normal ride. He then was using his own phone for the cheating and whatnot, but the software was sending notifications to both phones.

This guy is definitely a dick but if there was truly a glitch in the app, he certainly should sue for the privacy breach. Companies like Uber have a responsibility of keeping client info private - otherwise people such as domestic violence victims could have a lot worse happen to them than divorce.