
Which is one thing that’s a little irksome with the tone of this article. At most you might see Jezebel call that whole incident “Unfortunate”. Here we get a mile long examination of all the facts of the case.

I got on a flight from Auckland to LAX and saw Ed sitting in first class. After I got my ass to the back of the plane with the rest of the hoi polloi I happened to be seated next to a brit, and mentioned that I’d seen Ed Sheeran in first class.. he goes ‘is that the ginger homeless looking guy?’ LOL... uhhh... yah.

The police are saying it is not “racially motivated,” and that it may just be “kids being kids” and “looking for headlines.”

Stories of Trump supporters “attacking” women and minorities were all over Jezebel, and Jezebel even grudgingly admitted some of those were hoaxes.

I think this is getting a lot of press because the guy testified as a plaintiff a civil rights trial just the week before about how incredibly bad the mental health was where he was being held. And then, lo and behold, he commits suicide, proving his point the most effective way possible.

Of course it’s wrong. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Yes. Prison conditions are uniformly fucking terrible. They are often worse for black inmates, but prison reform should be a universal cause.

I sort of care about Kathryn Boyd’s ass...

I agree with Kaepernick’s stand on everything but that doesn’t mean he’s immune to criticism. Namely that he’s a terrible, terrible quarterback.

I think Chip Kelly is a dumbass and all, but it really necessary to “explain” why you benched a QB who, though three quarters, was 1-5 for 4 yards and a QB rating of 3.2?

Stop trying to make “alt-left” happen, it’s never going to happen

Anna’s husband fucks Michéle behind her back, really, Merkel is a conservative and part of the CDU, the “Christian German Union”, our (center-right) conservative party equivalent. So she is really, really not a liberal in the same way Hillary or your Democrats are. Please do not confuse this - I respect Merkel for many things she has done

Merkel is NOT a liberal, in the American sense. She’s a center-right politician, just like Hillary. They’re both European liberals, meaning pro-free market and pro-democracy.

Her popularity is falling quickly with all the random crimes keep happening, and many citizens and political opponents are blaming immigrants and her. It isn’t helping when crimes like this and sadly this occuring either. Nigel Farage and Brexit and now the USA and this election. Curious to see if Trump disbands or

No, but her support for austerity certainly has helped empower far-right groups across the continent and crush any kind of democratic alternatives(like Syriza) to Nazism.

When you have to rely on a conservative German...

And please pardon Snowden cause he was one of the few people not associated with the Democrats to criticize wikileaks. And ‘cause it’d be good of you to take away Putin’s pawn before Trump comes to power.