
Why would anyone give this guy a platform to spew his hot rotten garbage? Just because he has the right to string words together doesn’t mean that the result has any value or that people need to hear it.

Your second example reminds me of this guy I was in 11th grade chemistry with. We had this awesome woman as a teacher, clearly really smart, but this one kid was always like trying to undermine her like “no you’re wrong female teacher and I’m right HERE’S WHY” and she just shut him down so hard one day like “I have

While I was at a concert recently I looked down at the wrong time and I saw over the shoulder of the guy in front of me (he was sitting, I was standing) and his open text conversation contained a picture of what appeared to be a flaccid penis. I didn’t look at it long enough to determine if a) the penis was actually

It amazes me that a) so many men are perfectly okay with being portrayed as animals who can’t be expected to control themselves and that b) nobody seems to see that as a reason they shouldn’t be in charge of anything/everything.

Oh no, no. That doesn’t apply to HER. She’s special.

someone I’m friends with on facebook responded to a comment like that with “there is a “Dear Black People” film. It’s called Birth of a Nation”