Yeah, that he was bribing them with shoes and cash. Dummy.
You can’t be this stupid. That is clear evidence that Brady is giving them shit about not doing a good enough job, and they are joking about doing the opposite of what he asks.
Considering who he’s replying to, that seems like sarcasm or parody of the dummy calling for use of the same standard of proof as a criminal trial.
Like you did? Read those texts, you fucking idiot.
Yeah, they are joking about Tom being a dick and saying they will do the opposite of what he asked. Is this really that hard?
With those texts, it’s pretty obvious they were involved. The report also names the highest (or close to, I didn’t check) paid player on that team.
And Barry Bonds was fucking great at baseball before he cheated. It doesn’t mean he didn’t cheat.
Then again, Rypien got a ring and Jim Kelly and Dan Marino didn’t, so I think a lot of teams would be okay with that...
QBs sometimes have a year or two where everything goes right even though they aren’t that good. See also, e.g., Mark Rypien, Jeff Hostetler (really just a good playoff), Matt Cassel, etc...
Or Matt Cassel. Fuck.
Mayweather changed the standards for the drug testing after they were agreed to. And I believe he did so more than once. But you can go ahead and take his word for it... same guy that’s getting sued for lying just this week actually. Because he went on TV and lied about a woman that he beat. One of several women that…
Are you really this dumb? You can’t piece together the connection between an opponent that can’t hit back and his frequent beating of defenseless women? I can understand if you don’t think it’s funny for one reason or another, but the connection the OP is making is painfully obvious (and was to at least 183 other…
The kid just has to affirm that he wrote it and that it’s accurate, and he can read it into the record. Though I’m not versed on Nevada evidence laws, I can’t imagine it not being admissible if the kid confirms it.
The kid just has to acknowledge that he wrote it and it’s accurate. You have seen exhibits introduced into evidence before, no?
You’re looking at a $10,000,000 settlement for that very reason. It won’t do anyone involved any good for this to get to court.
Actually the throw was too late.