
I’m pretty sick of blaming billionaires for all of this, when they aren’t actually doing anything illegal.
Our societies have consistently elected people who have written tax code that encourage all this (in addition to deregulation etc)....this is what we want! and we’ve allowed people/companies that are already

the blogs need a scapegoat though

On average is what I said. You may be above the line and owe.

I think something needs to be clarified here. In the U.S. tax system, you don’t pay a flat percentage of your income. You pay a progressively higher percentage on a chunk of your income. So if you make $1M, that would put you in the 37% tax bracket, but you don’t actually pay 37% of 1M. So it’s entirely possible that

Solution: Make taxes simple. Instead of a literal library of rules and loopholes just make it so everyone pays a set percentage on all earnings, be it earned income, options exercises, RSU vestings, capital gains, dividends, etc. As an added benefit with the lack of write offs and adjustments there’s no need for crazy

Vats says that “asking people what they know about the definitions and histories of CRT is often a very good way of pointing them to the gaps in their own thinking.”

It’s a FUCKING WAR, you Russian nimrod! The Russians have invaded a sovereign nation and are KILLING innocent Ukrainian civilians. The Ukrainians should and are fighting back with all means available. I have no eloquence to spare on you, FUCK OFF!

Weird take. This is a war.

Killing people is immoral and illegal. Are you seriously arguing that Ukraine’s people and army should refrain from shooting at Russian troops/tanks because they need to “keep the moral high ground”? The idea is absurd. If you’re okay with a country defending itself against an unprovoked illegal and immoral invasion

You seriously do not understand how modern militaries work and shouldn’t be commenting on this. Again, you’re out of touch.

Looks like someone is out of touch

Well I was obviously pointing to an outlandish example. But they still get a lot of protections. You could replace “KKK” with random neo nazi group. Or even a “keep marriage traditional” type group.

Sadly, like the wedding cake case. I think I may be on their side..?

So, $220 million for a 6.2 mile long loop wide enough to fit a single car, would be about 36 million/mile.

I hear that type of reasoning a lot, but it’s interesting how utterly dystopian it sounds.

Here’s a couple. Fauci claimed masks were useless at the start of the pandemic. The CDC claimed “the science was clear” that vaccinated people didn’t need masks. And people wonder why anyone would question the scientific community. 

Given the royalties paid to artists each time their content is played on Spotify, I guess we’ll see who really is invested in stopping the spread of misinformation.  However with that said, determining WHAT constitutes misinformation is a slippery slope.  Over the course of the pandemic MANY, MANY so called “facts”

Good people dont care about you and others that want to force their way on others.

Careful, someone may point out an interesting fact about another company you “support”.