
Once you realize that people are deciding to live in a fantasy world, alot of this craziness in the world today more sense.

Well, they’ve decided that objective facts are “racist,” so they have to concoct some strange alternate reality so that it doesn’t destroy their fragile world view on a day to day basis.

I have to disagree with the semantics of this article. It is trying to portray the software as biased, yet it also explains that it works on reported crime data and how that is incomplete because the white and wealthy are less likely to report. On top of that, the real problem with more patrols is less about stopping

I’m not sure why we need to continue to tip-toe around the idea that poverty fosters more crime. If we take for granted that we’re going to use predictive software, wouldn’t it be silly for it to not take socioeconomic status and poverty into account? Otherwise it wouldn’t be that good and people would be saying “look

I think the real solution to “offering children toys without enforcing gender norms” isn’t to just give them a gray, bland stuffed animal or a (frankly hideous) gold and white toy kitchen, it’s to let them play with whatever toys they want regardless of “intended” gender roles. Your boy wants to play with dolls or a

The villain is Joe Biden and democrat policies. Looking back at history, every time the mid-east is destabilized petroleum has increased in price. Biden moved out of Afghanistan and cancelled the pipeline project. Those two actions provide the oil industry the reason to increase prices to cover dramatic changes in

As long as they’re funny, I watch.

He’s seriously one of the best to ever do it, I think

As far as this story goes, makes his case about the controversy pretty strongly in the special
I reckon most people’s minds were made up long ago on the matter though

Not everyone has to like everyone or agree on everything

Yeah, it’s a badly written article under a misleading headline.

Full disclosure: I believe the Texas abortion bill is draconian and quite frankly sickening. I am also no Musk stan.

Yes, that is how the rules of evidence that have been honed over centuries work.

A Google search does not constitute documented evidence. And one goal of the jury process is to try to bring in 12 peers of the defendant who have as little advance special knowledge of the issues as possible  -  none should be in possession of "facts" that the other jurors don't have. Especially when the internet is,

Say the accused is on camera wearing a blue hoodie, juror thinks, “I’ve read about gang colors”, searches it on the internet, and convicts the suspect based on a misconception that the individual must be a “gang banger”.

The frustration is understandable, but I think a more accurate statement would be: the facts of the case are what the judge deemed admissible, and were brought out on the record in court where all jurors had equal access to them and opposing counsel could put these statements, and their proponents, to the test.

Qanons: I did my research.

100% agree with what you stated. I’ve known of two situations where restraining someone is needed to keep them safe and a mental health professional will not be able to de-escalate. Both situations involved someone who was high beyond a point of reasoning (hallucinating, panicking). One situation someone was basically

I see “high-tech” has now crept into the headline and first sentence (but not the permalink) where more inaccurate words once were. The “cops shouldn’t even have non-lethal restraint tools” tone is still way off base, but at least it’s not quite so misleading. Thanks!

Completely agree. Lines like “And is firing a gunpowder-propelled restraint the best way...” are clearly meant to elicit an emotional response. It’s a blank cartridge that uses gunpowder because of the concentrated energy available in a small package. Would a compressed air cartridge that reached the same velocity be

Your use of terms like “electronic,” “electric,” and “zapped” is extremely misleading. There’s nothing electronic or electric about this aside from the targeting/launching device. It doesn’t carry an electric charge. It’s not a taser rope.

I am going to bet that you live in a province with either super cheap electricity (Quebec) or somewhere where winter isn’t much of a thing (BC). Because the last time I had to heat a home in Ontario with baseboards it cost over $400 per month.