
With all due respect, do you think it’s easy to know where all those rounds went and if they went off? I think they should do a sweep of the area after dispersing a crowd but I can see where it would be easy to miss something. 

LOL It is funnier because you are probably serious.

I’ve seen a flashbang explode, and these explode. The stinger has a fraction of the light and sound. That being said I would rather deal with the flashbang it doesn’t have the rubber balls.

That isn’t a flashbang, it is a rubber ball grenade. The proper procedure is to back away and call the police.

But let’s be honest...everyone loves breasts!

That’s sort of a false equivalence. Breast cancer research is funded far better than any other malignancy even though more people die of Lung, Colorectal, and Pancreatic cancer. More women die of lung cancer than breast cancer by almost 3:2, but breast cancer research gets about 10 times the funding of lung cancer

I think everyone agrees on the surface, but often the context of saying All Lives Matter is seen as diminishing BLM in some way. It’s a fair point, but I can also see ALM being used completely innocently, as if to say “remember, too, that we should all value every life.”

All lives matter. Equally.

Come on, dude.

Here is a much shorter version of this article.  Follow the law, protest peacefully, and you will have nothing to fear.  

No Amazon affiliate links? You guys are slipping!

Why would you need to “cop” proof your phone if you’re going to a protest? Now if you’re going with other things in mind, ummm you know like rioting/looting, then that’s a whole other conversation.

Bring your dad’s phone number so when you get arrested and are in shock that happened to you, someone else can call him to come bail your stupid ass out of the pokey

If you turn on airplane mode how are you going to virtue signal to the world over livestream? 

Gizmodo = CNN

I was watching s livestream of people wrecking a panera. Not entirely sure what their motive was....

Finally! Now I have the justification I need to run downtown and burn down a Wendys!

Yeah that black police Chief in Minnesota is super racist.