
Do people really think there were literal kids out there and it was ordered by the Guard? Fuck me we’ve gotten dumb. Putting all morality aside, it would be a horrendous strategic decision to use kids. 

I remember when Lifehacker would teach the audience how to set up a Linux-based media server on an old laptop or something. Stuff that required actual work and thinking and left you with a sense of minor accomplishment. Those days are long gone. 

Tell that to the black fire fighter whose bar was trashed, then burned to the ground the next day. Dumbass.

Pretty much everyone is unified over the fact that this was both tragic and bullshit. That cop clearly needs to and is going to end up in chains, though I’m not sure if he’ll be charged with voluntary manslaughter (AKA: Murder 3), involuntary manslaughter, or criminally negligent homicide. What I can tell you is he’s

For instance, the (black) fire fighter who worked for like 15 years to afford to open his own bar...Looters broke in to it and trashed the joint, then tried to steal the safe. A day after volunteers showed up to help clean the place up...rioters burnt the building to the ground. How the fuck do they think he feels

“IT’S OKAY BECAUSE IT’S INSURED” says complete and utter moron on the internet.

Given that white people are more likely to be shot by the police, what about the deaths of countless white people? The cops involved were all already fired, the cop with his knee on the guy’s neck has been arrested, what more do you want? Just to feed him to the mob? Sorry, that’s not how we do shit. Get over it.

I actually agree with both. But it is clear that Trump’s tweet was referring to the second group, not to people just peaceful protesting for number 1.

Are you really that ignorant to think that local businesses weren’t damaged? And whether CVS is local or not, the people that work there are local. What about their jobs?

And why do you ignore mob violence? Do you agree that people should just destroy property and people’s livelihood because they are mad? What did

Google it, there is an entire list of the businesses looted or destroyed being published by the local newspaper.

You’ve clearly never dealt with insurance companies. And, just so you know, many small businesses aren’t well covered in the first place. You may recover property damage, but what about lost income because you can’t operate your business? I’m guessing the insurance company isn’t going to want to pay up for criminal

That’s really great for the African American business owners whose businesses were ransacked. I mean, let’s stick it to the man, for god’s sake.

People being murdered doesn’t justify more violence and crime, especially against business owners, some of them African American, who had nothing to do with the murder.

Park your racism in the back lot mister. Ain’t nobody got time for that shit.

Not all of it is insured, many of the local businesses aren’t. And even if it is insured many of the companies won’t move back into the space, instead preferring to move elsewhere. These riots and looting destroy the community.

The looters...

And you aren’t understanding that he wasn’t referring to the protestors in his tweet.

Donald Trump referred to demonstrators in the city as looters and “thugs”

This isn’t even IN the US. Why anyone would tie this to Trump is beyond me. Some people are just obsessed. 

Someone once told me:  Well, every square inch of the earth is an historical site. We just don’t necessarily know the history.

Given the uncertainty of everything right now, having a car that you aren’t making a payment on is probably a good thing. Bank those payments for a year and buy something when life is getting back to normal.