
It’s valid criticism, but it wasn’t relevant to the topic. That was a stupid waste of a question.

Not to be a downer, but it is highly unlikely that tofu will ever be served to the members of this household due to the “tofu incident”. We went to an Asian restaurant and soup was ordered and served. No one knew that tofu pieces were in the soup. One kid took a spoonful and then the tofu was felt in the mouth, out

amazon is one of the only things that still work in this country. They have product and deliver product all the while AWS keeps the cloud up and running so we can still have a semi functioning country.

This is good advice. My financial adviser has reassured me to increase contribution, especially at this particular valley. At this time, you’re buying much more with the same money so when it returns to normal, you’re much further ahead. Calculate a general amount of loss your account sustained in the drop and compare

You’re messing with me.  No computer has a 10 key.  You just have to press 1 and then 0 like the rest of us.

it’s just an idiotic statment. A lot of people not only use windows out of necessity, but prefer it. If I didn’t HAVE to use sketch for UI design and prototyping I would use windows. I use it at home, exclusively, and while it may take a little more knowhow to set things up exactly how you want, you can get so much

The Verge has your Chromebook review. And it don’t look good.

Quit making this all political - A combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Axithromyicin is showing to be VERY effective at treating COVID-19.
Learn the facts and quit jumping on every opportunity to say stupid things akin to “DONALD TRUMP IS KILLING EVERYBODY”.

Exactly. Every store in my city has no bleach of any kind left.

“... but I bet your store still has plenty of bleach.”

All I did was make a list of the key points from the man’s plan. I think you’re angry at the wrong person. 

Stay mad lib.

But even then, “partnering with the police” only means police can request video of a specific area and timeframe from users, who have the ability to deny the request if they want to. And in addition to that, Amazon has said they are updating their app to allow users to opt out entirely. They don’t have access to

It’s like their hatred for Microsoft and love for Apple. Gizmodo writers are biased. Microsoft is much better as a company today than they were several years ago (see all of their contributions to open source these days) and Apple isn’t as glorious as the writers make them out to be (see all of their draconian terms

I’m always amazed at the hardon gizmodo has for hating ring. Like every single article has mention about being able to “hack” the speakers. And yet the actual hackings were just people who reused their passwords, not anyone actually hacking ring. Do you also put the same language in every single gmail article about

The difference is I am a reader whose opinion isn’t worth much. The writer on the other hand should have a higher responsibility to check out the numbers before just posting them. And based on the amount of times my taxes have gone up to cover for previous deficits I would say my number is closer to realistic than any

The thing is, no one has “$10B in cash” they have investments. All this talk about taking money based on a wealth tax misses that point entirely. People rail about Bezos being worth billions and that the wealth tax would take billions from him, but fail to realize most of that is Amazon stock that makes up his wealth.

It’s like Bernie’s stupid plan to tax investment transactions and saying it will raise $X billions (or trillions, I can’t remember). He is running these numbers as if the number of transactions will not change. If he thinks adding on a tax to every transaction won’t dramatically change the number of transactions he is

Make college free?  The people who want to go to college should pay for it themselves, rather than have money stolen from others.

NO to a wealth tax, just no. Raise the top tier income tax rate (or create a new one), but no wealth tax.
I also oppose any tax rate above 49%, ever, and even that is too high.
All these candidates supporting a wealth tax are killing any chance they have.