
Honestly, as a life long Republican, I’d vote for her if she decided to run for President. She’s former armed forces, fiscal conservative, against providing “free everything” but is pro abortion and probably fairly level headed with regards to issues such as gay marriage? Sign me the fuck up. It’s 2019. The left needs

Giving healthcare to illegal immigrants is voter kryptonite. The writers so far up each others echo-chamber butts that they have no sense of what most people in this country want or don’t want. Trump sucks but Jesus, going full Socialist is a dead-end street.

yeah but if i signal boost or retweet someone who isn’t left enough then the cool kids might call me a fascist.

This is a shitty poem.

Amazon will fix this... With automation.

So why does Gizmodo still have articles railing against Amazon and their business practices on page 1 while pushing dealzmodo kickback links on the same page, directly profiting from a company they seem to disagree with?

Pick a lane.

I was waiting for it to be Trump’s fault.

Actually it’s a fault’s fault.

Hah you funny


Overly sensitive, but accuser is probably more accurate.

The AR-15 is the most popular rifle in America. Ban it.

I wonder how the citizens of Venezuela would respond to your comment about a tyrannical government...

Fun” Fact: at some point in the last year disabling Cross Site tracking became a requirement to log into Kinja.

Believe me, you don’t want that responsibility. I had someone notice my power strip once at a coffee shop and ask if she could use it to charge her phone. “Sure!” I said. “But I’m leaving in about 15 minutes.”

I’m assuming only the last paragraph was written in the last half hour...

LOL. Adoption isn't being threatened, women's bodily autonomy is. Troll harder.

@#c20345976:removed smart-ass comment... sorry