
THANK YOU! I cannot roll my eyes harder at the Lifehacker’s and Slate’s of the world that are rushing out to say “a latte a day won’t make you poor!” It’s intentionally misunderstanding the point that is being made in order to criticize it nonsensically. The entire point is that if you spend a few dollars here and a

I feel this video is very misleading. Might I suggested showing how the ROI is just as important as saving that $5/day for 40 years.

I feel like this is willfully missing the point. I don’t think I’ve ever read an article where the coffee example wasn’t meant to be exactly that, an example. It’s “hey, look at the sort of silly expenditures we forget about every day, you have this constant passive stream flowing out of your bank account,” not “You

I dont see how you can leave Iron Man off this list. The beginning of the MCU, and proving that you can elevate second and third tier Marvel character into the public consciousness. GotG and the foul mouthed raccoon may have seemed like a big risk, but at the time a washed up drug addict star in a movie about a

Nothing magical about life mate. And while I am totally on board with a world in which meat substitutes abound and are indistinguishable from actual meat, I am not losing sleep about the delicious actual meat we do get to eat nowadays. I’m game for ensuring cruelty is not part of the process, but holding other animals

The human body is ill-equipped to process meat.

One friendly reminder that “having a different opinion than you” does not make someone an asshole. Too often now we frame arguments that way and it goes nowhere. 

Typically, they do nothing. Offering health plans to part-time workers is unusual, so while this is definitely bad for those affected, it’s not weirdly cruel. It undermines Whole Foods’ reputation as a progressive employer and it’s related to Amazon’s overall shittiness regarding workers, but it’s not some new nadir

hate speech is not free speech.

hate speech is protected by the first amendment.

hate speech is not free speech.

I’m a rich white guy that knows climate change is real. Thanks

Remember, free speech applies to dumb people as well. Sometimes that’s the only way to know they’re dumb. Except where the US supreme court has said otherwise. Unfortunately first amendment protections still apply in this case.

Tipping *workers* is important in our current system. Until that system changes (and it should!) people need to tip. However, tipping companies is fucking stupid. In the system described above, the worker gets exactly the same pay whether you tip or not. All tipping does is give the company more money. 

seems a little extreme of a preemptive response to a comment that hasn’t happened yet.

Lapid: “Anything but green.”

It wasn’t about the balls, but for not giving the league his cell phone.  Something about interfering with their investigation, as they never proved that inflation thing or his direct involvement in it. does one sign up as a scab, and how much money would one make? I didn’t see that link in the article....

Only union thugs think customers shouldn’t cross a picket line. If you read posts by official union reps they condemn any sort of harassment or action taken against customers. In retail situations it hurts the cause. Less customers means less work, which means things will run smoothly w/ a skeleton crew. If you want

I will not be supporting it. Unemployment is at 3.8%. I am an employer, and we are desperate for workers, skilled and unskilled. The joys of living in free country are that you are welcome to pursue other employment if you would like. However, if you find that other employers are not willing to pay you more than you