
You are trying to hard to come up with reasons to attack Musk.

I suggest putting some effort into understanding other points of view instead of making everything about your far left politics.

Attacking Musk is just a thing now, like Nickelback.  Many on the left turned on him because he dared to be a part of a Trump program.  

Clinton has been out of office for a long time.  Why bring him up now?

You conveniently forgot to mention that Musk was attacked first by that guy for having the nerve to spend his own time and money to help like he was asked to.  

You lost any credibility you had by pretending that this was anything but completely justified.  All crying wolf does is desensitize people when something seriously wrong happens.

Of course it did...

Some people have more money than brains I guess.  

Yeah.. How dare they have their own opinions.

Nope..  It really doesn’t...

You are trying too hard.

Do you lump everyone into groups like that?

Great job by everyone involved.

New to Apple is not really new.  Apple has been followers and not leaders for the last 10 years.

Ha... Thank you for proving my point for me.  

All you do is regurgitate the conspiracy theories you read on this site. You couldn’t make a single intelligent argument to support your false claims. When challenged you resort to childish name calling. I’m embarrassed for you.

“Big oil” boogeymen.

Yes... It’s almost like I made it specifically for you.  All your problems are someone else’s fault... You’re a victim... Everything is a conspiracy... Blah blah blah... 

Something less snarky...

It’s not the student’s fault that they took out idiotic loans that they had no chance of repaying for majors that have no economic value.  Stupid me... I picked a college that I could afford so I didn’t go deep into debt.