Unless you have insane monthly expenses, you are putting a lot of work in for almost no return.
Unless you have insane monthly expenses, you are putting a lot of work in for almost no return.
People here generally don’t like the idea of personal responsibility.
When you have money, you no longer have (financial) emergencies. You have nuisances.
I’m going to guess this woman is conservative. That’s usually when the claws come out.
If you have never borrowed money and paid it back successfully, or show that you can handle a line of credit responsibly, then why do you think that shows that you’re responsible?
A better plan is to not borrow money. The only exception being a house if you can afford it, which you can still qualify for without credit.
IMHO ALL 80’s hair bands, with the exception of Bon Jovi, suck.
A valid point. Personally, I think it’s good to keep your employees happy & inspired enough that no one threatens to unionize.
He’s anti-union. Yes, that makes him an asshole.
Crushing unions is a dumbass thing to do and is something he should be thumped on the nose for until he quits.
Maybe the reporter should have approached he with facts instead of hyperbole. Oh wait. Facts don’t support the agenda being pushed.
Kick her to the curb. Who wants to deal with the self-righteous crap?
Kick her to the curb. Who wants to deal with the self-righteous crap?
It was clearly the pedestrian’s fault, but autonomous cars will need to do better before they are everywhere.
Thank you. It’s amazing how many people blame everyone else because they didn’t save for retirement. Compound interest is amazing. It takes very little money to retire comfortably if you start young.
I have no urge to stop giving Amazon my money until someone can do what they do better.
Ben Cohen is such a douche.
You’re saying he’s a hypocrite? Say it ain’t so...
Most of the people demonizing the NRA can’t offer any specifics at all. It’s nothing by hyperbole.
Most of the people calling for a ban have no idea what an assault weapon actually is, and have no idea what laws already exist. Ban’s didn’t work on alcohol or drugs. It won’t work for guns. What we need is better methods to identify mentally ill people and prevent them from buying guns.