
She does not share every one on my opinions. Time for a silly hit piece. That will show her.

That’s my theory on the Tom Brady diet. It has nothing to do with not eating tomatoes or strawberries and everything to do with his discipline.

By the logic here, I guess democrats are pro abortion because they are bought by planned parenthood.

I have no idea who Ellen Pompeo is, but her response is as childish as this article.

I hope she can make more intelligent points than Kimmel does. He’s just awful.

You are interneting wrong. You are not supposed to use facts to support your arguments. Just respond like a smarmy douche.

This had nothing to do with the NRA. Don’t let that stop you though.

The headline is disingenuous.

It won’t “detox” you. Because that’s not a thing.

I didn’t say I agree with him, but clearly the headline is completely made up.

Good. At least there is still one Republican that doesn’t want to waste as much money as the Democrats.

Pence can’t handle strong gay men standing up to him much like his boss can’t handle a woman who doesn’t back down from a fight.

The GOP has dined for years of being open hypocrites;

Where was the meltdown? I saw one tweet explaining that claims about his are false and one showing support for the athlete that just bashed him. Whether you like him or not, it seems pretty reasonable.

I REALLY dislike this guy, but the social justice warriors really do themselves a disservice by making a big deal about nothing. (As far these as the incidents on set). His comments about the rape were repulsive though.

I would take a supercharger over a single turbo and twin turbos over a supercharger.

I just came here to see everyone agree with each other.

I just came here to see everyone agree with each other.

That’s partially true. You really didn’t provide any points for me to counter. You present your opinions (yes, clearly left wing) as facts. I could go through the lengthy list of terrible Democrats and the terrible things they have done. It won’t really matter though. You have already convinced yourself that one side

Whether you can see it or not, there is some truth to everything I said. Like most people, I think you choose what to believe based on your views and not merit.