
It's the first part of a 12 part series. So, no, there's more. And this was always the format, it was expressly stated in her Kickstarter what she was doing, how, and to what purpose. Namely: videos to be used as educational tools in the format of her other videos. She's not required to turn it into Batman Begins just

Dude, no. "I don't think she's a real gamer" is not a valid argument and it's a poisonous, obnoxious, and frankly sexist idea. It doesn't matter if you like other "gamer girls" you deem personally authentic..this is not about you or your personal list of what makes someone a "real" gamer and therefore "allowed" to

I have agreed and disagreed with some of her analysis, which doesn't make it bad, it just means that I personally view the work differently. For instance, I disagree with her about The Hunger Games movie toning down the violence in the books because, by doing it, it basically lost an incredibly important theme and

You're gaslighting. On the one hand you say "everyone knows" when, in fact, many people don't and these videos are meant to be used as educational tools to have that discussion. And even people who do know don't do anything about it. You may be tired of the discussion, but many of the rest of us are tired of the same

The fact that I know all of those and remember them vividly, including the truly bizarre Peanut Butter Solution, means we were probably kindred weird kids. :}

By that I mean: Disney's Cinderella is a really passive character who gets saved by mice AND prince, that's how utterly blah she is. Other versions are less horrible.

Well, not in the original Disney version which is, I suspect, who most people think of. :}

On the original Garland version: Return to Oz is a MUCH better Oz film, even though it's creepy as hell. Dorothy has real agency and solves her own problems using intelligence, wit, and kindness. She saves the Oz, too. While the Garland version is iconic, it's pretty bleh in terms of Dorothy as a character, who is way

It's much, much, much closer to the actual books, and Dorothy uses intelligence and wit to defeat the Gnome King. It's MUCH more positive than the Garland version, which reduced her to a rather bland character. Because Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are SUCH "strong" characters, what with the formers total passivity while being abused and the latters not speaking for the entire second half of her film because she's asleep. WTF. Alice, I'll grant you, has agency and is interesting. Otherwise, all these apparently

I think it's a testament to Shakespeare's work, the emotional and human core of it, that it can be interpreted, adapted, and even modernized, in all kinds of ways. Whether it's true-to-the era theater productions, modern language interpretations, or films done with a mix...I think they're all valid. We'll all have our

Used to, actually. But since Kinja and a bunch of other stuff, less and less every day. And yes, actually, a piece like this can generate discussion. Even useful discussion. Just not here, apparently.

Actually, it's discussing the link between ridiculous statements the GOP has been using about rape, and the intersectionality of racism, sexism, and our cultural history. Not the best framing I've ever seen, but it's a legitimate discussion to have.

Ratings also worked quite differently then, and there's the other issue that they are for very different audiences. Seinfeld was on, what, NBC? It was made for a mainstream audience on a major, non-subscription channel. Girls is only available on paid for HBO. It automatically has a smaller audience due to that, and

Thank you, because all of this. I didn't change my last name and my father in law still gets cranky about it and insists on sending things to me as Ms. Not My Last Name to, and I quote "not further confuse the mailman". So obviously it's still necessary to buck this particular tradition. At the same time, yep, I

I don't think it's the smoothest transition I've ever read, but there's nothing wrong with taking a look at the intersectionality of rape, sexism, and racism. To a degree, they are making racist statements without being aware of it, because we have a whole population of people who, due to slavery, can likely link rape

You know, it really doesn't help to try and have a critical discussion of something if you're going to try and make a subjective opinion a fact. Lots of people didn't find Seinfeld funny, lots of people find Girls relatable/funny. You not liking it is not some objective truth, it's a personal opinion. And, you know,

Please, please, please, go to a counselor at your school or find a local ED clinic, or your doctor. If you're in the UK, there are several organizations that can help:

I consider wrap sweaters to be cardigans without buttons. Personally, I prefer buttons so I can wear it open or closed, on my terms. No matter what, layering is the best.

Not really, I'm putting it in context. Or maybe you're viewing it from a pop culture critical viewpoint. Which is largely what this site does. Contextually, The Boob Song exists in a sexist culture that sexualizes women and then also demeans them if they're sexual. He then used examples of seeing actresses boobs from