
Hey everyone, lets take a gander at the Io9 coverage of this very subject and read all the comments attacking those who suggested that racism might have played a part in the decision. Lets also take a look at those very commenters and their not-at-all-racist speculation about this accomplished astronaut getting pulled

come closer...

Georgetown pres: We will talk some more. We will look at admitting you to our college (that your ancestors, the slaves, saved/paid for), we will name a building for your ancestor (that mostly whites will enter and ignore), and we will pass a resolution saying we are sorry (we are exposed, but whatabout all the other

What the fuck is this?

But given that hundreds of thousands if not millions of black people now have college degrees but a fraction of the wealth of white Americans do, I’m for the cash, jack.

I’m no christian. You just disparaged an entire relgion of billions of people because you think you know best what women should wear. You also promote yourself as an ally of feminism even though your words are quite literally the opposite of anything remotely close to what a feminist ally would actually say/write. In

Dude, we’re in America - a country dominated by reactionary Christianity

Maybe you might want to aim some of your fire at them, instead of being Trump Jr and hating on Muslims?

Lolz. Little baby man... christinanity has evolved? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. You dummy. Get out of your basement and see the world-wide damage being done right now by so-called christians in the name of their blue-eyed baby god. And it’s so great that your wife (sure) and allllll her feminist friends (shyeah, sure bud)

To the people who will say “he’s only one of a few police who feel this way...most police aren’t racist”

No thanks we don’t need you as an ally. I really don’t need a man telling me what I should or shouldn’t wear and no one wears burqas in the US the correct term of wearing a scarf is hijab.

Oh right, a man who’s a feminist ally.. using his voice.. to tell feminists.. who to support.. while debasing an entire religion.. over a headscarf...which has never raped alter boys for centuries...invaded lands..wiped out civilizations...forced religion on native people...thrived in the slave trade.... but, yea,

Are you serious right now? Did you read the article? Trump is sending thousands of people back across the boarder who will be separated from their parents. Do you think we care how any of his children feel? No one has attacked this little boy. I’m sure this little white boy will be just fine because of who his father

Love a good dance flick. BUT-

My biggest fear is ICE - they have become our very own secret fascist police. They wait at schools with children to trap parents. They drag people from courtrooms. They pull people off of streets. And they house them in detention centers and force them to work against their will.

Enjoy your email, sucker.

Losing implies there was a soul to lose. When did this country have one?

Sorry I feel nothing for him and his whore of a mother. She pushed that birther shit and guess what? The GOP showed no mercy on Malia and Sasha. No more going high when they go low, go lower. Enough is enough.

This is gonna sound flippant, but I’m serious:

I’m pushing 43 and never wanted children. I’ve been married once and currently live with my boyfriend. I don’t really need to get married again, but I’m not against it or anything.

I’m 33, and just like you, I knew I was probably never going to get married or have kids when I was 21-22. I’ve been in hella long relationships, but I’m a willful and independent-to-a-fault person. I like my space and my time, and I’ve never been someone who needs another person to find fulfillment in my own life. I