
Man, a lot of people are kind of missing the point. Yes, too many of us have been subjected to verbal abuse at work, that doesn’t mean it’s not (a) harassment (b) a hostile work environment. This is not a “bad boss”, this is an abusive boss. Someone who berates and belittles you, especially someone who signs your

very, very powerful stuff aditi. thank you.

I am West Indian and Indian people can be very racist against black people. My mom has a friend who could not get married because her parents were against her marrying a black man. She waited until they died, both of them to get married and have children with the man she loved by then she was in her mid 40's but her

I’m speechless. Thank you; that was tremendous.

What did Sam Bee do to black kids? Do tell.

I like how casually dismissive you are of the labor it takes to process trauma in order to admit victimhood. PTSD, anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, all of those drain the life right out of people and here you are, acting like it’s no big deal. And you’re incredibly wrong about millennials being “work shy”. There’s

Yes, I think claiming Aziz’s career is near destroyed, he’s the victim of revenge porn, men are being criminalized, the MeToo movement is now wayward, misrepresenting stats, and calling a whole generation of young women “weak” can be characterized as shrieking histrionics. And that’s a very restrained descriptor. tysm

Y’all are so sweet, I honestly am blown away by all this support. Thank you!

“Not tonight”, “I don’t want to feel pressured”, “Maybe next time”... those are all things she said, and if you don’t think those are ways to say no, then all I can say is that I hope you’re very vocal about your thoughts on this in public so that women know you are not a person they should ever trust or be alone

I think in some ways people like you are a bigger problem than the outright rapists. No one denies what they do is wrong. You? Listen to yourself. You are trying to normalize behavior that should never be considered acceptable in the first place.

I think we can all agree that if we spoke to some of bruthabrads past dates, we’d find victims.


Samantha Bee said it well. No one is disingenuous as to say Ansari is like Weinstein and that he should lose his job or be criminally charged. But if you are going to wear a #TimesUp pin and have a public persona as a feminist, you should know that your interactions with a woman was considered violating and coercive.


You’re 100% wrong. And if we are being honest why would you want to initiate sex with someone who isn’t 100% into it? My partner not being into it would make me soft (sorry). I would’t “go harder to the hole than I should have” cuz that sounds like rape. On my first date with my fiancee (pictured above) we went back

It’s also very likely that a man who has written a book about modern dating where he elaborates on his habit of determining if a woman is uninterested in him simply by the tone and response time of her text messages is capable of gauging that a woman who recoils from his attempts of getting her to touch his dick for

In what world does saying “I’m uncomfortable with this” not mean stop? How is that ambiguous? If you told someone you were uncomfortable with something they were doing would you not mean that they should stop doing that thing that made you uncomfortable?

The only uncomfortable party in this discussion is Ansari and his supporters. She told him to pump the brakes and he chose to hit the gas. Fuck him and everybody down with him. Better to err on the side of caution than to err on the side of sexual creepiness. No means no unless you’ve got some edge playing, role-play

What’s mindblowing is that I have to believe that any who is calling Grace’s accounts as a “bad date” either didn’t actually read her story and are defending Aziz blindly because he’s “so great” or something OR people just don’t want to confront what they have done to others or what was done to them. There’s no mind