
Poor Melania my a&$. Ole girl done had an East European side piece for years.

House of Cards was canceled after actor Anthony Rapp accused Spacey of sexually assaulting him when Rap was 14 years old”

It’s especially weird considering how much these women get attacked when they come out with this stuff. For whatever interview you see of them on television given the space to speak, there are like 10 death threats waiting in their inbox.

Condi Rice isnt too far off from being an older Tomi Lahren.

Thank you for this article- many of us need to hear this. I remember coming home all excited after attending a teach English in Japan seminar at college telling my parents I wanted to do it. My dad quickly snapped, “Only white kids do that.” He didn’t kill my spirit because I knew he didn’t know any better due to his

When I was 12 years old, while filming “True Lies”, I was sexually molested by Joel Kramer, one of Hollywood’s leading stunt coordinators.

I’m 29 and still feel like I can relate. They sell young people a lot of dreams about what college and your 20s should be, and it just never happened that way for me. Sure, good things have happened during this time, but I can’t really help but feel like I missed out some major milestones. Then I realized, a lot of

No, Aziz Ansari. Not gonna lie, this one hurts:

Thank you, needed to read this today. I’m 32 and feel like I’ve been spinning my wheels for ten years, I’m going back to school in the fall and I’ve been low key panicking about it since getting accepted. You helped tho.

Rice and the Utah Rep. Mia Love both make it clear they are Republicans. Both on the circuit towing the line while their male counterparts are in their shelters waiting for this to blow over.

This woman doesn’t give a fuck about anything other than herself.

Thank you. I really needed to read this. I have been struggling with this for the past 3 years. It was killing me. Glad to see this sentiment is not new.

Thank you.

“First off there needs to be a change in attitudes about what belongs to men. The workplace is not’s space.”

Nobody is turning women into snowflakes. Many of the women who have voiced complaints continued to work and pursue their careers through the difficulties that they were/are facing. Its not that they’re weak. It’s just that they don’t feel that they should have to face harassment or sexual assault. This is Dignity 101,

Rice said she didn’t want “to get to a place that men start to think, ‘Well, maybe it’s just better not to have women around.’ I’ve heard a little bit of that. And it, it worries me,” she said.

Well, maybe it’s just better not to have women around.’ I’ve heard a little bit of that. And it, it worries me.

Condoleezza Rice is a fucking war criminal.

Rice said she didn’t want “to get to a place that men start to think, ‘Well, maybe it’s just better not to have women around.’ I’ve heard a little bit of that. And it, it worries me,” she said.

Murder, historically, IS a Christian value. Signed, a cynical Native American who remembers the history of Christians who came to Turtle Island and prayed; then fell on the Natives & preyed.