When you have 30 entities, it’s not a big deal to go to 29 because one bought up another. When that’s gone on for years, and you’re down to lets say 5 entities, it’s an inherently bigger deal for one to buy up another and take that number down to 4; the same value exists across those 5 as existed across the 30, but…
The game hasn’t been out for a day and now it’s spoiled to me what happens when you collect all the coins. Please give it a spoiler waring for other readers who are just playing... Like me.
““I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.””
No, Mark, you are making 11,000 other people take responsibility for that. You are taking no responsibility.
I wonder if he’s positioning himself as a “moderate” in the vein of “isn’t it terrible how polarized we are, we can’t even have calm and reasonable discussions about whether LGBT people should be allowed to exist, I had to scrub my website of that very reasonable and not at all hate-validating discussion.”
“I don’t want to derail the story, but like, fucking keys man man. What was wrong with a key?”
That…wasn’t my point at all? I was only addressing the point at the end that said the tech is pretty cool, and tying it to something people have reference to. Who pissed in your corn flakes?
Another usage note: During the summer, turning on that 60W bulb is essentially turning on a ~60W heater inside your home. If you’re using AC, you’re going to have to pay again to move all that heat outside your house.
Haven’t priced incandescent bulbs in years, but you can easily find brand-name 60W-equivalent bulbs for less than $1.50 per
It’s easier to believe a problem is new and has easy answers, rather than old and long-unsolved.
This is 100% it. Every time you see one of these guys saying “There’s heaps of people walking around with no life behind their eyes” what they actually mean is “I saw someone who wasn’t paying full, enthusiastic, positive attention to me and I don’t understand it.”
It’s truly hard for me to imagine looking at a world full of busy people going about their lives and think that something’s wrong with them because they’re not paying more attention to me.
That final quote from the lawsuit is dumb as hell. Zendesk isn’t some scary piece of software. It’s probably the most common customer service ticketing software and not particularly shady.
You mean the dealers themselves?
Typical clickbait here.. not like the community actually helped him. That might have made an interesting story.
Well maybe if this was about furries actually helping him with his motorcycle project and not some half ass story about him being too cheap to buy fabric for his Gopro. At least the dragons were doing something with a car.
That’s it. I’m done with Lifehacker. I’ve been reading the site since it started in 2005. It’s one of the RSS feeds I check every day. No more.