
“if an artist were to sell legal rights to an image and used NFTs as a way to do that”

Now I need you to explain this to my friend that’s trying to buy NFTs of Disney movie scenes.

The big scam is that there’s nothing inherent to the NFT which gives you any rights whatsoever. You are NOT buying artwork, you are buying a receipt that says you paid money for artwork.

Now, it is theoretically possible for artists to bundle licenses or rights transfer of some kind WITH their NFT, but there is

I would be if Hyundai had deemed the U.S. market worthy of it.

The car you are thinking off is the i30 N Performance.

Eh, the thinking is surely to incentivize jobs that offer a higher standard of living. Tesla can unionize and it all goes away. If tax dollars aren’t spent prioritizing people’s lives over a billionaires bottom line then what are we doing here. I think paying a higher subsidy to companies that pay a prevailing wage is

Dammit ya beat me lol

Here’s a quick edit with body-color trim

Okay I actually hate the cladding. It’d bad enough on a crossover but now it’s literally holding the car back with complicated fluff.