
There’s also Sweardle, if you want more bad-word versions of Wordle:

What’s the official rule, though? It was very clear that she was speaking the same phrase as part of the same guess. If they’re going to have a rule like that and then make it the difference between winning and losing a forty-thousand-dollar prize, they had better be clear, down to the exact second, about how much of

Yeah, Tokyo Rt. 246 was my favorite track -- I wasn’t satisfied by the other Tokyo tracks in Sport, so hopefully it does make a return.

Maybe this makes sense if there are non-scented, non-deodorant antiperspirant sticks, but the few times I’ve applied deodorant, antiperspirant or not, before bed, I’ve had a harder time sleeping because my face tends to be too close to my arms. At that range, the scent becomes overwhelming and prevents me from

When you wrote “infinitely adjustable window switches” I assumed the switches moved super smoothly and without any initial resistance, like the analogue triggers on a modern videogame controller. That way, there wouldn’t be that initial click or jolt of the window but instead a super gradual and smooth progression

I only came to this article to point out this exact same thing. I’m literally using the G502 right now and did a triple-take back and forth from my screen to the mouse and back haha.

I only came to this article to point out this exact same thing. I’m literally using the G502 right now and did a

I’ll be more interested when the version with the generator/range-extender is released, but I do think you made good points overall here.

Does anyone else think Toph’s moveset has waaay too many body strikes? Like, I can’t remember her ever seriously throwing a punch, kick, or knee strike in the show -- she was all about using her Earth Bending for just about all attacks. That was actually kind of the point early on -- that she was a small, weak-looking

That’s the largest issue for me. Sometimes someone comments on a post I made a few days ago and it’s obnoxious to have to scroll and hunt and peck through all the other comments left on an article since then just to find mine. It’s a disincentive to comment and respond to people.

Now and then, I still remember bits and pieces from this show — like the Giant Magnum guy and how his big, thick, hard slug was going to blast someone. Or, the one character actually named Straight Cougar who was all about speed and talked really fast.

I just remember the discussion threads on the GameFAQ’s Anime and Manga board and how they’d be spammed by “RECKLESS FIRE” for a couple pages every time the intro would broadcast. Also, RYYUUHHHOOOOU! KAZUMAAA!, etc.

I never really minded the *concept* of BotW’s weapon durability, but its execution left much to be desired. Weapons, especially those right after the beginning of the game, broke much too easily and in too few attacks.

So . . . given this is a Lotus, how much does it weigh? If they’re not publishing that information yet, that concerns me. . .

I know iRacing is generally the more technical and realistic game, but Gran Turismo has previously supported multiple displays and wheel-and-pedal set-ups too.

Netflix should consider revising the line or at least admitting to the error out of ethical and cordial concern, but yeah, legally I think they’re protected.

Don’t think I wouldn’t notice that sex toy thrown in there, Zach. . .

I can understand SquEni being squeamish about legal concerns over linking to an .exe and an external website, but there are ways to make it work. It just seems so terribly disrespectful to not expend just a little bit more effort to make sure the customers and fans who spent so much time and effort feel like they’re

Given how frequently my PS4 randomly drops its connection, and how oddly slow the internet was on both my PS3 and PS4, I don’t have particularly high confidence that Sony’s hardware combined with whatever future unpredictable internet outages or limitation one might have will lead to a great experience.

That’s fine — I see what you’re saying.