
My body is ready.

I'm sure Sony's happy to hear consumers say that!

Welcome to Marketing 101.

What do you mean by "The Steambox effect"?

... Ash, that "f00l" thing better be intentional... :-P

Someone put the banana in the refrigerizer.

The hell are you doing, man? That's like the best Zelda music compilation ever made!

Maybe his own version of this?

Kilts can definitely be considered formal wear. Pair a nice one with a shirt and jacket and you're all set. You might get some weird looks, but that tends to come with the territory when wearing a kilt anyway... :-P

And even if there is one, if it isn't enforced, then it isn't relevant.

I thought Ebert's dismissal was pointed towards the games as wholes, as opposed to their individual components. For as many arguments as I've read against games being art, I've never found one that purported that a painting created as a concept piece for a game also wasn't to be considered art.


But how does that translate to used games?

Where's Totilo?

Framerate affects different things when we're talking about it relative to video games vs. relative to film or video.

I was stuck between X1 or XO, myself.

Most professional photographers.

Haha yeah. Most professional cameras do have some sort of quiet shutter mode which softens the sound a bit at the cost of having a lower burst speed. I'm not sure why anyone would need crazy high frame rates for shooting a man standing in front of a TV, so it would seem reasonable to me to use such a mode.