
Yeah, either Jackman or, I think, Eric Bana could totally look the part.

Haha, yeah — that'd be amazing. Or, just for kicks, it could send you back to a GTA3 recreation with all the low-poly cars and muddy textures, etc. while the car itself remains of GTA IV quality.

Well, they could do that. As it stands, they already have an online save file verification process so you can unlock/add in elements to B&W2 from your B&W game. They also have that whole online Pokemon mini-game system where you can grow plants/buy furniture/catch monsters via a variety of random dream games. On top

Use 'em if you've got 'em, I guess.

You mean this mentioning of the comment system?

I think you're supposed to read it like this.

(Spoilers, cont.)

I'm also encountering a bug. I can't complete the second level because it won't register me taking one of the pictures...

Yeah, I was a bit disappointed that they not only cropped the 3:2 still images to 16:9, but that the YouTube video didn't have that ominous option for "Original" under the quality settings.

Hopefully, since none of the Retina displays have enough pixels for 4K, even when the image is scaled to 1:1 with the monitor resolution.

Well, not inherently.

Motion picture cameras, you mean? Yeah, but that would require a complete reworking of the camera from the ground up. Besides, even the best digital cinema cameras almost never use a physical shutter any more. (There are some exceptions... the unreleased Aaton Penelope Delta and one of the top-tier Sony models... both

Unless you have multiple cameras and are willing to send them to Canon for maintenance after the 400k shutter rating is reached... It's all about budget :-P.

The A77 has a substantially smaller sensor than the 1D X. It's one thing to shoot 12fps on an APS-C sensor (like the A77 or most DSLRs from every manufacturer), but it's a whole different challenge shooting at the same framerate when the sensor is around 50% larger. Remember, the larger the sensor, the larger the

It took your reading of his username to realize that it was sarcastic? I would've thunk the bit about learning valuable life lessons from videogames would've been a large enough clue... :-|

Don't forget that the 1D X stills are shot at a 3:2 aspect ratio (5184 x 3456 resolution), as opposed to the normal video mode that uses a 16:9 crop of the middle of the sensor. So, some of the resolution disparity will come from the increased overall height of the frame.

There we go.

I have a feeling this could remind me of playing The World Ends With You...

Double check that you have Flash installed? Update the browser? Reload the page? All of those?

Ah, you're right — my mistake.