
Well, I'm pretty disappointed they didn't add in a headphone jack. I mean, they go through all the trouble of implementing a new autofocus system, false color exposure indication, and even a stereo microphone, yet provide absolutely no way to actually hear the audio you're recording.

True, and it works very well.

Let's hope that it's as non-linear as they're trying to make it appear to be and not just a linear sequence of checkpoints and objectives in a semi-open space.

Yep, it's quite annoying.

Oh, I never mentioned not being pleased with it. The 360's controller is the second most comfortable controller I've used, and I've always been one for buttons over motion controls, so I wholly support Nintendo making this.

So, they've gone from emulating the DualShock 3 with the Wii's Classic Controller Pro to emulating the 360's controller with the Wii U's Pro Controller... how nice...

I was actually thinking he looked like a slightly younger, brown-haired Carl from Up... :-P

Okay, the largest constraint I see on your system is its power supply. At only 300w there aren't many mid-range cards that will be able to safely run off of it.

Now playing

I don't think so. "Snake Eater" was the intro theme, but not the official theme for the whole game.

Two main questions first, then I'll be able to give you some suggestions:

I lieu of the "promote" button which does not work, I will approve you through this comment... :-P

As a member, and presumably as a gamer, what's your general opinion of their decision to make and/or brand this game?

I haven't tried to get it myself, but if I remember correctly you only have to pay for the expansion part of the game, while you can use some free demo version of the core game instead of buying the original. The only caveat is that the visuals can't be turned up to higher settings with that method.

Unless I'm mistaken (or they played a different episode for you), Cowboy Bebop wasn't showing the first episode... more like number fifteen.

In terms of motion blur, I wonder if, as frame rate is increased, you also decreased the shutter speed. Would it maintain a smoother, film-like level of motion blur?

Admittedly, I understand why that would seem to be a sensible course of action, especially when considering Blizzard's plans for real-money auctions. I am still against unnecessary restriction over gameplay for which it is not required, however.

Well, you see the point of the complaint, then, right?

"No game should ever get a 10 there is no such thing as a perfect game."

I think you're missing the point of Something Negative.