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Pulling some inspiration from this, perhaps?

I just had dejavu...

Well, MGS4's control scheme is different than MGS3's, even in terms of how pressure sensitivity is applied. I haven't played MGS4 in a really long time so I'm unfamiliar with the controls, but from what you posted it seems like that would make sense.

Yeah, I think Jesus confused "typical" with "high-end" or "professional." There're only a few model lines of DSLRs that have full-frame sensors.

It's possible, yes.

Was CQC really that hard to grasp?

Unfortunately, no, that's no intentional. :-P

I'm with you: IGTM was very well done and shed so much more light on the personalities behind each game. The editing was also top-notch, underscoring why they won such an award at Sundance.

I agree — less-than lethal weapons are great tools for extreme situations that aren't particularly life-threatening.

Or, is it amazing how much toys have been designed to look like weapons?

It says "Green," so maybe it's the same guy in the Japanese version?

Oh, and I guess having massive server failures/connectivity-related bugs that prevent users that actually have a working internet connection from playing the game is also a potential problem...

You're right, sorry — I was thinking in more general terms, but I should have fine-tuned what I actually wrote to Diablo III's DRM.

The only thing this video made me think of is how few people exist within the worlds of Pokemon games. I wish there were more random people walking along the routes, minding their own business, like that. It would give the games greater personality and context, at least.

I think you're misinterpreting Diablo III's "always online" DRM as if it means you have to participate online with other players, when in reality that isn't the case.

I appreciated the small, proper, implementation of this in Deus Ex: HR, but I wished they had expanded it across more of the game than just one instance near the beginning.

Exactly. They know they're popular over at Super Potato, so the prices are a tad higher than you could find elseware.

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Odd bans like this always bring this odd video to mind...

Avid is not Mac-only, by the way. Further with video editors: don't forget about Sony Vegas (Windows-only).