They never actually moved into that house. They deciddd to stay where they lived and rent it out
They never actually moved into that house. They deciddd to stay where they lived and rent it out
The ones who look liberal are usually hipster evangelicals who belong to their church. Dressing like a Mumford douche is really trendy among white youth pastors who play guitar these days.
I found out recently that they never lived in that house. They rented it to a day care that never opened but painted hideous murals all over the walls and is the house is on Airbnb.
I’ve seen PB specifically keep good cabinets to donate so I think that has changed.
I’ve seen a few interracial couples, I think at least 3. I had hoped the no LGBT thing was just demographic for Waco, but I googled their church this summer and confirmed my fears.
You could even say there’s a large shiplap between the Baylor folks and the mega church folks.
That’s what my parents call it...because we used to live there.
They are have a business in new build subdivisions as well.
You pay waaay more in personal income tax in NY (esp NYC) and CA. The cost of living is no joke, either. I was from TX but lived in NYC when I first started paying off law school. Big cities are much more competitive for jobs in some industries. You are not guaranteed big money. Between taxes and rent, I would’ve had…
I’m gonna copy and paste this a lot over the next 4 years. “Oh, yer mad that Trump is tearing down your neighborhood to build a new privately-run toll road that you also won’t be able to afford to drive on every day?” Yay infrastructure.
I’m a huge Spurs fan and I like Shea Serrano’s work in general, but the fan fic-style stuff always weirds me out.
I like Shea Serrano, who I think is at the Ringer now, but I haven’t read any of his stuff there. That’s a different kind of weird style, though.
If you neglect to walk, your mouth won’t taste terrible and you won’t get bad breath. Walking takes a lot more than 3 minutes a day. Sleep apps don’t remind you to sleep, they track how much you’re sleeping.
Seriously. Does Mr. “pay your way through college” remember that during college you still have living expenses? I went to a cheap state school, had a scholarship to pay half my tuition, and worked 2-3 jobs at any point during college and could not get enough hours and also do a full-time load to even pay all my living…
As someone from evangelical-land, the best response to 99% of these folks is “I’ll be praying for you.” It would piss them off so bad, but they couldn’t say so.
You know, Jonathan Simmons, who was spending more than half his time in the D League last season.
I got a Chick tract once trick-or-treating as a child. It was a about a child being abused and beaten to death and then being saved. My parents were pissed. Methodists don’t play that shit.
As a Spurs fan I am very stoked about Patty’s performance. He’s one of my favorites. I’m so relieved he didn’t get traded. He can do it!
Yeah, I’m a lawyer and I used my law school critical thinking skills to figure out that this is probably all fake and all the parties and their PR reps are in cahoots on these stunts.