
FYI, that's not bacon. It's just ham.

They are both part of North America....duh.

Not if the licenses are expired.

The complaint is they keep spending their time and resources remaking 1 game instead of multiple games. Not that the 1 game isn't worth rereleasing, but there are other games that are worthy of it that keep getting passed up so they can make yet another remake of that 1 game. Fans are simply asking them to diversify.

I started with Oblivion too and I think I spent more time researching, downloading and installing mods for Morrowind than I did actually playing the game. I did not find it that interesting after playing Oblivion. Of course, YMMV.

And that's all that matters to them, unfortunately.

I was just talking about that with my friend the other day and the only reason I can come up with as to why cell companies do that is because new subscriber numbers look better to the bean counter types (investors) than total/current subscriber numbers. Confuses me since it's possible to gain a million customers in a

My biggest problem with dragons is that half of them refuse to fight me. They just fly around for a minute and act all badass, but never come down so I can kill them and swallow their souls.


Hahaha, nice one.

I'll stick with wi-fi tethering from my android for $10 unlimited data.

It'd probably just be considered parody which is fair usage. I'd argue it's slander or libel (forget which is which) instead.

Entitlement is the name of the game these days, sadly.

You couldn't figure that out by watching the show? Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love that show, but it was pretty obvious.

Neither did I. I got a free copy for going to CODXP. 0:]

So how's Castro's Communism treating you guys there in Cuba these days? Things better than the days when everyone was trying to swim to Florida?

My comment regarding my own bills was in addition to my cost. I only paid my copay which is far less than the amount the insurance company reduced the bill by.

"It's a fairly well-established rule that whenever insurance pays for something, they'll pay more than if people had to pay for it themselves"

I ate at Omurice (a restaurant chain that makes....omurice dishes) in Seoul and it was amazing. I went with friends and we all ordered something different so we could try a variety. If you like eggs and rice you can't go wrong with omurice.