
I think I love you.

Those are most likely from a different source. There was an article on here this week about people stealing a shipment of discs from a truck and then pirating them.

So what you're telling us is that you buy all your tin foil hats with cash.

I think that was one of the main things they wanted to address in this game. It really sounded like the overpowered aerial support streaks are either removed or toned down so you don't have people getting multiple "free" kills left and right.

So if you use that for your "costume" in a contest and you take first place, does the announcer say "Smoke WINS!"?

With info like this, I wouldn't be surprised if my cat earns more than I do some day.

I started using the riot shield in that level and taking a quick shot at the aerial support just to get it's attention. Loved getting all those free points from being a bullet sponge. I remember having a steady stream of harriers on me in one match and just sitting in one of those out of the way spots keeping them

I've still never watched a porn movie. What keeps people jerking off to these? They just look like a quick, fun form of entertainment to me.

The nonmeme that never dies.

It was a totally awesome fad....a very long time ago. I've seen movies set in the 50's/60's where the high school greaser gang always had that one weird guy wearing those glasses.

Also, well played, Pojodin, well played.

It just needs to be shoehorned into World of Warcraft.....oh wait....

I wouldn't say my PS3 is mighty, but I think it should run it fine.

But then he couldn't show off his hip tattoos, stubble and fashionable wardrobe. On the serious side, you would think with them integrating screenshot functionality into the OS it would mean that all images would be screenshots instead of photos.

And I approve of your comment.

It doesn't say you get to use the rewards an unlimited amount of times. It just says that you don't have to stay alive to earn them all. I would say the balance is that while you will get every kill streak, you only get each one once per round.

"48 dead beasts is better than one dead person."

Hmm, I don't really like it. I think it looks really nice, but I find the shape to not be highly conducive continuous use.