
It's a place where wannabe hippies go to be attention whores.

I, for one, love you and your dedication. Personally I do find xkcd to be funny occasionally, but I appreciate your tenacity far more. Keep up the good fight, sir!

video game bundled statues = high-brow art now?

But is it compatible with soylent green?

Cyanide is natural too. Just saying.

Just check out both. For me One Piece is only better because it's longer and there's more to enjoy.

"characters so it's still not a big stretch for a OP mousou style"

Metal Man disagrees with you.


"The DOJ has the burden of proving alleged anti-competitive affects..."

Why did you capitalize "Doctor"? Are you referring to THE Doctor? Am I just too anxious for the season to start back up again? Am I now just asking myself rhetorical questions?

Monomolecular edged teeth. Slices through anything quickly.

Is that supposed to be the Golden Throne? I always thought that it was more of an enclosed coffin, not a literal and open to the air throne.

Now playing

Him laughing at other geeks when he is a geek isn't ironic. If he's serious than he's being hypocritical.

The word you're looking for is "sarcasm" or perhaps "contradiction".

The funny (not ironic) coincidence is that she is very anti-gun. Well except when it comes to the bodyguards who protect her. She thinks they should all carry.

Why didn't God protect this building? It must be because we let gays get married or something.

Or zombies are an overplayed trope and need to go.