
It may be the usage of the term college that is causing some of the confusion in your conversations. In America "college" is the term for education after 12th grade, which Europeans (not sure where/from whom you learned "English", wheelx) simply call university (or uni for short). I don't think any other country

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I love Gauntlet! Now I have to buy Kill Team.

I hope alot of this shit goes away soon. I'm sick of "epic" and "fail". That shit was outdated years ago and people are still saying it like it's brand new.

The lack of Bear Grylls "....Time to drink my own piss" images in this thread saddens me.

I thought that was "rut."

Half-man, half-sharkaligator?

I have hard time remembering this too, but it was 30ish years ago. My guess would have to be Combat on the 2600.

...and my dog!

Or maybe she's just a person in distress. If he saves a male police officer or a soldier does that emasculate said man?

"Enough with the lizard tits already!" BTB

"The people are immune to violence, they are used to it."

I told someone at work about this and they said "They should've given him a Mercedes car instead." I figure if they did that someone would screw it up and send him a stick shift.

I think you're forgetting that fact that big Hollywood studios have much more power(cash) than some writer and his/her agent/publicist.

"Since he nailed Milla Jovovich,"

I don't think Dani Filth liked it either.

This your brain. This is car. This is your brain on car.

Much like the jackasses that use hipstamatic on their 3 year old iphones and call themselves "photogs."

While I occasionally appreciate xkcd comics, I think this site is brilliant.
