
Left out the King of the Cosmos....oops, wrong game.

I recently started learning Choi Li Fut and Seven Star Mantis and I constantly think about it too, but it doesn't interrupt my gaming. Guess I'm just much lazier than you haha.

Thank you for pointing this out. I'm so sick of this new fad of strippers pretending to be artsy. If anything they are trying to convince themselves more than the rest of the world.

I was thinking the same thing. I've noticed that in so many of the articles I read on Gawker sites nowadays. Do they not do any proofreading ever?

The people getting their accounts hacked are because they either get keyloggers or they log into fake websites. They aren't idiots for using simple passwords, they are idiots for giving away their passwords.

Thank you. I'm tired of all this snobbery about which emulator is "real." I got many many hours of enjoyment out of ZSNES and they can't change that.

I'm always going to carry my phone everywhere I go. If I get a PSP of any kind that's an extra device to carry around, which nullifies your whole argument about the controller being an extra thing to carry around being a hassle.

Under or over rotation. Very common. I'm surprised there weren't any darkside landings.

I hear what you're saying, but it's a hard habit to break. I skated for 20 years and it's just a natural reaction to try to catch yourself and unless you take the time training yourself to not do it, you just keep doing it.

It's free! How could you turn down that offer?

Yep, any cheap, white trash beer is hipster shit now because it's soooo ironic for them to drink it. Don't really see the irony there, but then again hipsters aren't that smart.

Morrow, not marrow. Morningbreeze would be better.

Funny thing is Sprint doesn't think anyone who doesn't live in the 30ish markets deserves 4g.

I love you.

You wouldn't download a car!

Crying about what other players do ("tank leaves") does not indicate a problem with the game design. It's most certainly not Blizzard's fault most people are douchebags.