A good time to remind everyone as well that AGDQ starts up on the 4th, and runs all week. The final game of the marathon will be Ocarina of Time. It's a lot of fun, for newcomers to speedrunning, to check out. I'd recommend looking at the schedule and finding some games you're familiar with, and tuning in during those…
As the managing attorney for the beardy in the lead photo, I wish to point out that my client has had no association with any "Squad" in the past, nor does he maintain one at this time.
That he is a lizard should be self-evident—but my client maintains that he does not now, nor has he ever been able to operate a…
The best part of the video is I profess such confusion over where my skills were, seconds after a screen pops up telling me I WILL LEARN THE SKILLS THROUGH QUESTION IN THE BLASTED LANDS. I am very observant.
When I go home people'll ask me, "Hey Hoot, why do you do it man? What, you some kinda war junkie?" You know what I'll say? I won't say a goddamn word. Why? They won't understand. They won't understand why we do it. They won't understand that it's about the men next to you, and that's it. That's all it is.
Keep in mind, too, that while a soldier's first thought might not be "victory", they are given training and equipment to (hopefully) deal with these incredible scenarios. For civilians caught in the fray, "survival" takes on a different context.
While I think its good to offer different perspectives I gotta say I disagree with the opening dialouge of the trailer. I don't think for soldiers war is about victory I think for most soldiers war is about survival, maybe for officers war is about victory and grand stragegy but at the front lines its about making…
RIP Kaceytrons cleavage.
This series is a true story of love and desire for me in gaming. A roller coaster ride of emotion, soaring highs, sinking lows and even gray days filled with yawns. I loved BL, then went lukewarm prior to BL2, as the games out at the time, mainly Witcher 2, had my attention, then BL2 released and I was all over it for…
It's... interesting. And it really depends on your whiskey choice. I usually buy a cheap store brand one for mixing, I think it's called Canadian Mist (so maybe not store brand but its like 6$ for half a handle) and it's a neat flavor combo.
Completely random.. but if I'm jonesing for a whiskey sour, but lack the sour, I mix (diet)Mt Dew with my whiskey... Not jack daniels though, too much corn in their mash lol.
I'm a member of a sketch group called Sketchbomb that does basically the same thing. We come up with some crazy idea or random words and everyone does their best take on it. We don't have winners and losers, but it's always good fun. Combining a WWE wrestler and a Marvel villain has been a personal favorite so…
Wow. Looks incredible. I love the ending, with the FF arpeggio playing and Noctis saying "It's been a long time coming. Almost there." SURE HOPE SO.
Yeah. FFIV itself is just fine. "The After Years", however... got burned by that one. Captain Planet would be taking tips from that game on how to recycle.
Kanye West, the last Rapbender.
Did you know the odd behavior of the ghosts in the Super Mario Bros. series was based on the negative reaction of a…
Dominion Tank Police OVA, Saint Seiya, Galaxy Express 999 and Black Jack really got me hooked on anime. This was back in the 80s too. I remember when Sci-Fi used to play anime on saturday mornings as well.