
I’ve been a supporter of Mr. Avenatti, but I take charges like these seriously. The jollies I get from watching Avenatti taunt the thin-skinned orange baby do not usurp my values and my decency. Therefore, I support a thorough investigation of these allegations followed by the appropriate course of action.

Tachyon emissions from printing in the negative time dimension have been known to cause limited small paradoxes in the immediate area of the printer. In rare cases this may cause the local de-linking of timespace dimensions allowing objects and energies from vibrationally similar parallel to bleed into our reality.

That model includes a 30 percent cesarean section rate for mothers in the United States.

Ah, is that next to the “Happy to Join in Explaining Why You Were Talking Like You Knew Something But Didn’t Have a Clue,” or the “Stretching the Metaphor Past It’s Breaking Point to Try and Have the Last Word?”

No, trademarks are the ones that you have to defend or lose. The Marijuanaville thing was a trademark lawsuit, not a copyright one.

Most of our current problems started with Reagan, and we're still paying for his unfortunate election as president...twice.

Also, deficit spending, breaking unions, the unholy alliance between the Republican party and Evangelical Christianity. A lot of what is wrong with America today started with Ronald Reagan’s Presidency.

“The Breakdown In Civility” is widely recognized as a conservative talking point that shifts focus from the bullshit being done to the reactions of those who are witnesses and victims of the bullshit being done. They complain about the lack of civility when they are the ones with their fucking boots on our necks. 

Let’s rewind the clock to about 1980 or so. Reagan picks up the baton of an anti-government platform from Barry Goldwater, after Goldwater’s acolytes effectively assumed control of the GOP. What followed was a systematic expungement of anyone and everyone that didn’t toe the party line, ultimately leading to the

I tend to disagree. The “breakdown in civility,” something that was originally engineered by Newt Gingrich, is one of the main reasons we have such a problem with white nationalism today.

Joker to a young Bruce Wayne: “Hey kid, do you ever do a little jig at dusk? Yeah, me neither. I need to come up with something punchier.”

“Non-Consensual Footsie”.

Also, several readers have reached out to me to suggest I watch previous seasons before I review this show. To them and anyone else who feels this way, I politely say...fuck no. That is not the point of this series! Thank you. 

I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little jealous of artists that can sell out. Integrity is great and all, but again, we’re in late-stage capitalism. If I could sell a piece of my own intellectual property for a mil or so every year or two and fuck off doing whatever I want in between, I’d be pretty happy with my life.

The “cartoon strawmanner” presents counter-arguments to something you never actually claimed; they’re fought by pointing out that no one claimed it.”

Counterpoint. We have an astronaut and a cosmonaut who are alive and well. I witnessed the Challenger accident in person in ‘86 and it’s good to know that there are safety systems in place to handle these sort of things. If they had died, the situation would be a lot worse and any delays until the next launch would

I used to argue that voting Republican was, at best, a morally neutral act. I now firmly believe that voting for anyone currently associated with the Republican Party, no matter how “moderate” they seem, is an actively immoral act.  

Or he is in the Michael “I have not seen the movie, but I understand it is atrocious. However I have seen the house that it bought and it is magnificent” Caine school of acting.