Bullshit. The cops *should* have an obligation to find out what’s going on before killing people. That they didn’t is, yes, another tally mark.
Bullshit. The cops *should* have an obligation to find out what’s going on before killing people. That they didn’t is, yes, another tally mark.
It’s still fifteen bucks on steam a decade later. That seems.... disproportionate.
These types of images are always amazingly beautiful, though I wish it were easier to see versions that show what these astronomical things would look like to the naked eye.
“March 31th”...
“I’m trying to be better.”
They’re not saying these people shouldn’t exist, they’re saying they’re irresponsibly having too many kids which reinforces a cyclic poverty. And they’re absolutely correct. There are other reasons *too*, but don’t pretend that isn’t a huge one.
Those don’t actually keep the kid safe, of course, so it’s rather a disconnect argument.
Yeah, this is a bullshit response. Vega has not, as presented in this article, taken responsibility for being abusive. Her argument is that leaving kids with abusers is good because she was mad at the system WHEN SHE WAS AN ABUSER. I read the article. Did you?
I think the commenter was more referencing the fact that this article (really, all the articles in this series) has argued systemic racism for whatis actually just.... plain child abuse.
This is a bad series.
Your Mario mustache explanation is wrong. 12.6 inches is not a foot and a half....
I dunno, I think it’s pretty helpful to point out that we are not, in fact, in the middle of WW3, and to point out that the parallel was not, in fact, the start of the war. I think that hyperbole has its place, but that it shouldn’t be seen as serious by its nature, and so to make claims that we’re in the middle of…
Very true. But the only value I’d point out to my pedantry is that we’re not at a point where a third world war is inevitable.
On the one hand, I’m not a fan of the Russians, so I wouldn’t want to (also their pedantry was wrong). On the other hand, I’ve heard that they use typewriters to avoid electronic spying...and I do like typewriters.....
That’s kinda my point, though. There’s international incidents all the time. Countries annex and fuck around with territory. Less these days, it seems, but not so much less so that we should pretend that one annexation is the start of WW3.
Well, that’s kinda my point. Annexing Austria wasn’t the start of WW2, because everybody rolled over. Had Hitler stopped there, there would have been no WW2. Of course, Hitler didnt stop there, but you can trace things pretty far back if you really want to, if you don’t draw the line at something meaningful, like when…
Not really, though certainly it was the root of it.
Problem is that’s not when WW2 started, though.
I mean, I get your point, but WW2 did not start when Hitler annexed Austria, so....